I dunno...I thought the big guys shone every moment they were in. Which would be better than a whole movie about them that copied the entire old movie...

But hey, I'm not a purist. Y'all know I hated the whole VW bug thing...and I think that by making Bumbleebee mute and making him dependent on the radio, it sort of cemented him as a likable underdog that didn't need to be rescued. And you know...when I first heard Ironhide's voice I was like 'no twang?' But he had huge effin' guns on his huge effin' guns. I enjoyed him.

Too many humans...maybe...but that's why God (or Spielberg) made sequels.

I don't think anyone on that team planned for just one movie. You know they're wanting at least two more, and now that the concept of robots in disguise has been made clear the general audience (remember, my parents came into the movie totally ignorant and ended up liking it), do you really think there's going to be much of a focus on the humans in a later movie?

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream