Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Clinton: Obama 'Irresponsible and Naive'...I thought this was a particular good exchange on Clinton's part & strikes at the one thing I don't like about Obama. He just doesn't have the experience yet to be President.

Yeah, as opposed to the Hildebeast's experience which consists largely of fucking a guy who actually was president.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Clinton has a recorded & well established history of being very protective when it comes to Chelsea

Yeah, because NOTHING says "protective" like being a CHILD ABUSER:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
From Time magazine:

  • When Chelsea Clinton was six years old, her parents used to make her cry in hopes that they could make her tough.

    Dad was in the middle of an especially ugly re-election fight, his enemies were drawing blood, and so they all tried a game at the dinner table: Chelsea would pretend that she was her father, making speeches about why people should vote for her, and then he would attack her, say really mean things, so she would learn to protect herself.

    At first the exercises reduced the little girl to tears: "Why would anybody say things like that?" But after a while, Hillary later wrote, "she gradually gained mastery over her emotions"; she came to understand people's dark motives; and, finally, she would come back fighting, fully prepared to handle the wicked lies that enemies might tell.

Yeah, that Hildebeast. She's mother of the year, all right. Oh well, at least her and Bill never cheated on each other...oh wait...never mind.

Try again, MEM. Check you in box maybe you'll find a better talking point from her list serve.