Originally Posted By: Uschi
*note* I never really dug the Hamil voice as "Joker's" voice.

you're just trying to make me angry.

hamil's joker was friggin amazing. perfect for that portrayal of the joker; lighthearted and silly, but able to flip to sadistic and creepy without a moment's notice.

the stories, overall, were very complex and deep and "mature" for cartoons, but rarely delved to the level of frightening (and understanably so). thus, if thats a key aspect to your appeal, it might not entirley be your game.

but, dear god, was it great. his joker laugh, in particular, i'd deem perfect.

for the creepiest BTAS joker, i think it might be worth renting "return of the joker" (a batman beyond title). i hate batman beyond, but there's a good chunk of "regular batman" story in there. truly a dark joker.

 Originally Posted By: big_pimp_tim
i hope it's good. i am hoping that the joker is less laugh, and more just grin, sadistic pleasure from...s laughter. and that's kinda the joker i was getting from the voice.

ideally, i'd love to have much more of a "hannibal lector" persona embraced by a movie joker. a regular-ish enough looking guy who scares the fuck out of you because of how calm he is about his crazy. he's insane, but not out of his mind. its just his way is the right way and everyone else is a pawn in his game.

tie that together with a purple suit and a hideously creepy laugh, and t'aint bad at all.

from all i've read and heard, that seems to be close to the direction, plus (of course) some standard jokerness, for that double creepy scary clown aspect.

sounds friggin beautiful

giant picture