Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Here's a bit of her actual record...

USA Today

Regarding healthcare being an issue of "great concern" for Hillary Clinton, you do remember the fiasco of her attempt to secretively create a national healthcare system, and then with little introduction of it, to suddenly impose it on the American public? It went down in flames.

I remember at one point, that pillar of conservative propaganda known as the New York Times ran a full-page ad in their paper with the names of all the people working on Hillary's national health care plan, that basically said: Here are the names we know from Hillary Clinton's health care program. We don't know who these people are. If you know them please call us at the New York Times and tell us what you know.
It was like the ultra-secret inner-circle of the Soviet Politburo, where they could only be identified and tracked down through the occasional crowd photograph taken of them.

Bill Clinton was the darling of the media, largely because he made himself so available to the media. Hillary seems a bit more clandestine and less media- friendly.

 Originally Posted By: Hillary Clinton, from MEM's USA Today article above

"The North Koreans have the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device that can reach the United States," she said. "Put simply, they couldn't do that when George Bush became president, and now they can."

It was bad (i.e., naive) negotiations by the Clinton administration in 1994 that gave a billion U.S. dollars annually in free energy to the North Koreans, and yet required no verification they weren't continuing to develop nukes, that allowed N.Korea to build nukes for 8 years, and have their first nukes completed 11 months into George W. Bush's presidency.
Clinton: 8 years
W.Bush: 11 months

But yeah, sure, it's Bush's fault.

I'll grant Hillary this: She's been a military hawk.

I've thought that, because she's been an ultra-liberal for 35 years, Hillary Clinton as Senator has only been so pro-military because she needed to build credibility as a moderate, or risk being dismissed by voters as another pacifist liberal in the same cast as Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry. She needs military credibility to be a viable candidate.
I always felt she would revert to her liberal/pacifist tendencies if she ever managed to become president.

But regardless of her motives, she has largely been voting pro-military as a Senator. The exception being her recent advocacy of Iraq withdrawal. But she waited as long as possible to support withdrawal.

And at this point, she has to support withdrawal to get the Democrat base, or she will lose the nomination. It's the same trap that John Kerry was in, competing in primaries against Howard Dean. And Hillary's switch, from supporting Iraq invasion, to now supporting withdrawal, opens her up to accusations of flip-flopping and political pandering.