Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Man, Empty Child/Doctor Dances is one of the best Who episodes ever made. Ever. Definitely catch the second part. It's damn awesome!

The Lazarus Experiment was old-school-style Who. I really enjoyed seeing Mark Gatiss actually get to act in Who, not just write episodes (he wrote The Unquiet Dead in season one...the one with Charles Dickens). He said that there were parts he was trying to mimic Peter Davison in his performance. Ha!

I have not been as excited about watching DR Who since the late 80's when they were still showing Tom Baker - Jon Pertwee - Patrick Troughton and William Hartnell on PBS.

The new episodes are every bit as good as those old ones to me.

Speaking of Patrick Troughton, I saw him in a movie last night - " The Black Night ", starring Alan Ladd, made in 1954, on TCM.

Troughton had a bit part but he was always deserving of bigger, more interesting roles, IMO. Peter Cushing played the bad guy in this movie. As you know, Cushing starred as DR Who in that dreadful movie from 1965 - what was it called? " Dr Who and The Daleks " ?

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.