*Balls Nasty is making his way to the Cheesedome when he stops just short of a long line of unknown wrestlers waiting outside of the back door.*
BN: What the hell is all this?
*Barooq, the militant African American D&D Barbarian, replies.*
Barooq: We're here for the tryouts. Doc Paragon is offering an RDCW contract, and we're here to win it.
*The rest of the line begins to nod and grumble in agreement. A man in a tuxedo and a mohawk died blue speaks up.*
Bluedini: And I, the Great Bluedini, shall be victorious in the....
*He stops as Balls stares him down. Nasty begins walking down the line.*
BN: Let me get this straight. You jokers think that you're RDCW material? Now, I must admit that there are sad sacks of shit on the roster here; but I've already started the process of eliminating them from competition. Just ask Dillphoney and Chunky Walrus. So if any of you sideshow freaks do wind up on the roster, it'll only be a short lived run because I'll break all of you in half.
*He stops to look at independent circuit fan favorite Dolphin Lad.*
BN: And what's this bullshit? Who came up with your gimmick? Queen Snarf?
Dolphin Lad: Eek,eek, click, waaa, click.
BN: Listen, buddy, you're in America now! Time to drop that Third World clicks and whistles shit and learn some damn English! And if not, you can take your sorry ass back to whatever country you came from! And that goes for you too!
*Nasty points to Chief Pink Feather, the only gay Native American in wrestling. Balls turns around and walks away, off camera.*
Chief Pink Feather: Well, sounds like someone's moccasins are on too tight.
*Balls comes charging back into the picture and clotheslines Chief Pink Feather. As the chief lay on the ground, Nasty begins stomping on him. Dolphin Lad tries to stop him, which only causes Nasty to turn his attention to the smaller wrestler. Others in the line jump in in an attempt to stop Balls Nasty. But the jobbers just aren't good enough to hold off the veteran.
Barooq turns to Bluedini.*
Barooq: You know we can run, right?
*The two take off as Nasty picks Dolphin Lad over his head and tosses him onto the crowd of wrestlers.*