More of the same, but I think it clarifies the slayer statute a bit better
There is a hearing set for August 28 to determine who gets the Chris Benoit's assets. A joint motion was filed last week by the family of Nancy Benoit and by Michael Benoit (Chris Benoit's father) to determine the order of deaths so estate issues can be resolved.

If Chris Benoit's Wife died first, then his assets would go to his surviving children. If Daniel died first, Nancy's family will be inheriting millions of dollars.

The following comes from the article:
- "We don't think it's absolutely as clear as initially thought as for the order of deaths," said Richard Decker, the Atlanta-based attorney for Nancy's parents, Paul and Maureen Toffoloni of Daytona Beach, Fla. "It could be important as to who died first."

- The Toffolonis, however, contend the levels of decomposition could simply be attributed to the varying temperatures of the rooms in which the bodies were found. Authorities discovered Nancy Benoit's body in an upstairs den of the house, wrapped in a towel with her wrists and feet bound. A heavily sedated Daniel was found dead in his pajamas atop his bed in his upstairs room.

Now if they say Daniel died first, I think that opens up a whole new can of worms as couldnt that then lead to speculation that Nancy killed Daniel and Chris killed her because of this?