Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
For some Republicans that blog post could just be rubber stamped for any top Democratic candidate. Hillary may not be perfect but I think she's a way better candidate than Rudy or Mitt. Their the fat chicks looking for that outfit that might make them appear thinner.

And conversely, I think that Giuliani, Romney, Brownback, Huckabee, Tancredo, and Thompson, all have more character and vision for the country than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
I'd welcome Al Gore over those two, and I'm certainly no Gore fan. The only two Democrats currently running that I see as having any integrity or ability to lead are Joseph Biden and Christopher Dodd.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned, eager to pander to any group and/or sell out America to advance their agenda. Meeting with La Raza and pandering for their votes, an organization devoted to a European Union type governemnt for North America, devoid of borders, who see the Constitution as a "transitional document", is as treasonous and un-American as you can get.

Under Obama or Hillary, you can be guaranteed that rampant immigration, both legal and illegal, and the rapid hispanicization of America and undermining of our sovereignty, will move along swimmingly.

Both already sold their souls to Satan several weeks ago when they spoke to La Raza in Miami. I only pray that each of them will be laden with scandal, and that their candidacies will implode.