World Tag Team Championship West Side Rollers (C) vs. English Bastards "Ode to Joy" played as Doc Paragon headed down to ringside to join Monroe & MarcuM on commentary. MarcuM: I see you took the Rollers up on their offer!
DP: Yes, I did. I want to see if they're willing to back up their talk with action.
MarcuM: Like they didn't provide enough action last week?
DP: Being the last team out for the Gauntlet and taking advantage of a couple of injured, tired wrestlers isn't exactly action, Madman.

MarcuM: That's beside the point! Which is, the Rollers won!
"Money for Nothing" plays as Charlie and Grace lead the Bastards to ringside. Charlie took the mic and began a scathing promo on the Rollers, but was interrupted as "Light that Blinds" played and the WSR made their way to ringside, with J and Schwartz. J carried the tag titles on his shoulders. Monroe: A big ovation for the Rollers, but are they cheering because they like the WSR, or because they hate the Bastards?
MarcuM: Both!
DP: Could be. . .
The Rollers hit the ring and a huge brawl ensued, as Krazed battled Stephens, BPT took on Kilburn, Charlie jumped on J, and Schwartz and Grace got into a catfight at ringside.
Grace & Schwartz ripped at each other's hair and clothing, as security separated them and pulled them to the back. The Rollers and the Bastards continued fighting in the ring as Charlie brutalized J at ringside.
Charlie continued pounding away at the bloodied J, hitting a Power of the Pitbull on the floor, before security managed to remove him to the back.
The two teams brawled back and forth for several minutes, and the Bastards attempted to set BPT up for a Bastard Blowout, but Krazed hit a Kaos on Stephens as BPT escaped Kilburn's bearhug and locked him in the Punkmaker!
Krazed made the cover and Lothar counted Stephens out! The Rollers celebrated in the ring, and dumped the belts on top of their foes, spitting on the belts for good measure, before seeing images of the brutalized J on the Cheese-O-Tron. Krazed and BPT headed to the back in search of Charlie. AD!