The Doctor Dances

The conclusion to last Sunday's WW 2 episode..

it was magnificent!

The story was quite good. It moved quickly, and every scene moved the plot forward.. there was no dragging of story. Not one line or even one second of episode was wasted.

Loved how Jack had a big part in helping the Doctor.

Loved how the Doctor solved the mystery of the child and the nanite thingies.

And how elated he was that everything was put right at the end.

Jack adds a lot to the series.

Overall, this has to be the BEST episode I've seen.


Seen it before, loved this one, too.

And this time, the TARDIS itself saved the day.


Micky ( to Jack ) :" What are you captain of? Innuendos? "

About time a gay (or in Jack's case, bi ) character was in the show.. not just for the sake of having a gay ( or bi ) character, but to have an excellent character who is " Quite flexible."

Hard to believe I was indifferent to the show at first, as I love it now, about as much as when I first started watching Dr Who in 1983.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.