The Otaku attacked as Johnny Evil directed traffic from ringside! Hiro began striking at Grimm with spin kicks, attempting to reinjure the MONSTAH!!!'s ribs, before jumping up onto the ring apron and executing a flawless Asai moonsault!
BFE traded punches with Joe Mama as they fought in the aisle! The Enforcer grabbed his cart and slammed it viciously into BFE's knee, dropping the humongous Elvis impersonator down to the ground.
He began diggin around in the cart, but was struck in the back by Hiro with another spinkick! BFE attempted to rise back up again, but was caught by Grimm who, after much effort, managed to deliver a devastating overhead German suplex on the big man!
Hiro delivered a savate kick, as Grimm turned to hold his jaw, Johnny Evil caught him with a Mission to Mars! The Otaku members ganged up on Grimm, ramming him headfirst into the turnbuckle post! JE and Hiro then reached under the ring and pulled out a table! They placed on end of the table on the ring apron and the other end on the guardrail.
JM continued digging around in his cart, as BFE went on the attack again with Ariel cheering him on! BFE nailed JM with several clubbing forearm blows as JM attempted to retaliate with elbows to the gut! Finally, JM pulled something out of his cart and smashed BFE across the face with it! He held it up high for all to see. . . Monroe: It's Loosie!

MarcuM: That's horrible!
JM clobbered BFE with his favorite weapon, and began raking the barbed wire bat back and forth across BFE's forehead, as the enormous Elvis wore the crimson mask!
JE and Hiro attempted to get Grimm onto the table, but he fought his assailants off long enough to catch Hiro in a Side Russian Leg Sweep, dropping him onto the guardrail!
JE launched himself off of the table, but Grimm countered with a running spear that knocked him back and landed both men on the table! The table held as both RDCW superstars lay draped across it!
Joe Mama dragged BFE to the porta potty and began ramming him headfirst into it! He opened the door and shoved BFE into the tiny, cramped, foul smelling space before slamming the door on him!
JM began battering the sides of the porta potty with Loosie and screaming: "Are you dead yet?" at his trapped foe!
Grimm climbed up onto the table and attempted to powerbomb JE through it, but JE countered with a backdrop that sent Grimm into the ring! Monroe: Will they actually fight in the ring?
MarcuM: It'd be the first time in this match!
Hiro pulled a ladder out from beneath the ring and he and JE set it up on the table propped on the guardrail and ring apron. Hiro held the ladder as JE climbed up to the top! Monroe: He can't! He's insane!
MarcuM: No, he's Evil!
JE flipped off of the top of the ladder with a massive Evilsault into the ring, but Grimm rolled out of the way at the last moment as JE went crashing into the mat!
Ariel grabbed Joe Mama by the hair and screamed at him to stop battering BFE inside the porta potty! JM turned around and grabbed Ariel's arms with a look of anger, before his expression changed. "Did I ever mention how much I loved Ann-Margret in Viva Las Vegas?"
He asked before planting a wet, sloppy kiss on Ariel!
Ariel pulled away and slapped Joe Mama cold upside the face! Shocked, JM picked her up over his shoulder and dropped her in his now empty cart before wheeling her up the rampway and shooting her into the backstage area! Monroe: He just sent Ariel for a ride!
MarcuM: That's no way to treat a lady like her!
Monroe: She's hardly a lady, Madman!
Hiro wheeled up the ladder and launched himself off for a devastating kick, but Grimm again avoided it, and caught him with a running lariat that sent him over the ropes and back to the outside! Grimm grabbed the top rope and launched himself over and onto Hiro with a huge splash onto the floor! He began pounding away at Hiro's face before picking him up and dumping him over the guardrail!
He turned and picked up the ladder and balanced it over the guardrail just as Johnny Evil went for a corkscrew moonsault off the turnbuckle! He landed on Grimm and both men fell on the outside ladder, sending the other end up and into Hiro's jaw!
Joe Mama bashed into the side of the porta potty and knocked it over on it's side as the door popped open and BFE began to crawl out with several stains covering his costume!
JM grabbed BFE and began dragging him back towards the ring. Grimm and Johnny Evil fought for the ladder as JE released his hold and delivered a hook kick, knocking the ladder into Grimm's face! MarcuM: He just turned Grimm into Flubber!
Johnny Evil picked up the ladder and began to lay it across the ring and guardrail, but was hit in the back by a shot from Loosie! The RDCW World Champion lay into his former Bastardo teammate with vicious barbed wire batshots that ripped apart Evil's leather Elvis costume! (Not to mention his back!)
Hiro jumped onto the guardrail, sprinted across the ladder and leapt off onto JM with a suicida plancha, knocking him back into the ring steps! At the same moment, JM caught a glancing blow to Hiro with Loosie and both men dropped to the ground.