BFE crawled into the ring and lay on the mat, panting. Johnny Evil pulled Joe Mama over to the table and lay him across it. He picked him up and put him into position for a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. He signalled to the crowd and went for the move, but JM recoverd enough to hold back as Evil carried through and landed on the table! JM dropped down on top of him with an elbow as the weakened table finally gave out and both men went through and to the floor!
The crowd was chanting "RDCW! RDCW! RDCW!" as the arena once again resembled a demolition derby with wrestlers and plunder scattered all across it.
Monroe: That's right, you're watching RDCW! Don't settle for any watered down imitations!
Grimm pulled another table out and set it up in the ring. As JM climbed back into the ring, he picked up BFE and whipped him into the ropes, nailing his trademark "Enforcer" Spinebuster! Grimm climbed onto the top turnbuckle as JM lifted up BFE with great effort and Grimm hit the biggest Triple 6 Bomb EVAR, dropping BFE through the table!
Grimm made the pin as Lothar rushed into the ring and counted BFE out of the match! As Ghoultown launched into "Fistful of Demons" again, Johnny Evil retreated up the rampway, followed by Hiro. At the top of the ramp, the pair was again joined by Ariel, who handed Evil a mic.
JE: You may have taken this round, Grimm. But next week, I'm done playing around! Next week, Grimm & Evil collide one on one! Next week, the biggest, baddest, member of The Otaku yet, is going to finish you for good! Next week, G-Zilla, the Grimm Killa will be here, and it's going to be the end for you!
Back in the ring, Grimm took a mic to respond.
Grimm: You bring whatever piece of crap you can pull off of welfare. . .and I'll do to him what we did to this nasty piece of trash here tonight! *pointing at the unconscious BFE. It's on!
Monroe: Next week, Grimm & Evil one on one! For the Madman and the RDCW, I'm Mike "The Mouth" Monroe! Thanks for tuning in!