So, my sister got married yesterday and it was the most kick ass party I've ever been to. Seriously, it was the best time I've had a long time. But before we got to the kick ass wedding there was a lot of fuckin things to do to get there and one of the minor, last minute things that I got stuck doing last week was alphabetizing 200+ name cards with the table assignments for each person written on them.

So, as I'm going through the list I start checking out the table numbers of all the people I can't stand - you know they type: cousins that you would never, ever in a million fuckin' years talk to and wouldn't if it weren't for the fact that you are forced to see them at holiday get togethers every year; family friends that annoy the hell out of you for a variety of reasons; etc. - and as I go through the list I realize that they are all at the same table. So, I mention this to my sister (we can't stand many of the same people) and she calmly replies, "Oh, they're all at the 'fuck you' table" - which, of course, promptly made me laugh my ass off. Apparently, the idea was to let all the annoying people deal with each other and not annoy the fuck out of everyone else.

So, here's the thing - any of you see this kinda table at parties/weddings, etc.? Is it obvious to you which table that is? Or worse, have you actually ever been stuck at one?

Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi