*Del Castillo's "Back From the Grave" plays as the newest member of The Otaku, El Superbeasto makes his way into the Cheesedome. However, now he is wearing a dark black suit and a green mask and has a samurai sword strapped to his back. He climbs into the ring, stepping over the top rope and produces a mic.

Superbeasto: Konichiwai, beetches!!! Greetings from El Superbeasto, biggest and mightiest of all luchadores!!!

Monroe: Who let this guy have a microphone?

MarcuM: Hey, I'll have you know that El Superbeasto is a graduate of Jesse Jackson's public speaking program.

Monroe: Which makes it so much better. . .

Superbeasto: Everyone is wanting to know how I am coming to join Otaku. Last year, when RDCW is touring Japan, Superbeasto is having time of his life. Superbeasto is being treated so well by public. . .that he is ending up moving to Japan!!! When contract is expiring, Superbeasto becomes luchadore in Japan promotion and is dominating it!!!

*Superbeasto pulls out a championship belt from somewhere, we're not really sure where, but the belt looks tiny as he drapes it over his shoulder.

Superbeasto: In fact, Superbeasto is holding Japanese tag team championship with Johnny Evil! So when Senor Evil is calling Superbeasto to come back to the States to wrestle puta Greemm. . .Superbeasto is more than happy to help out felllow Bastardo member.

Greem. . .your time is coming, puta diablo. What I do to you last week. . .is just preview. . .next week, I finish the job. Next week. . .I give you Giant Headbutt. I give you Giantsault! I give you Chokeslam to Oblivion. . .and finally. . .Senor Evil give you. . .the DOOMCHOKE!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

*"Back From the Grave" plays again as Superbeasto leaves the ring area, still laughing.

I will destroy all of you putas. Greetings from El Superbeasto.