Cut to a corridor deep in the bowels of the Cheesedome, near the loading dock where the RDCW Tryouts hopefuls have been congregating. Balls Nasty is walking down the hallway speaking to Robin Luscious, who is listening intently to what he is saying. BN: You see Balls Nasty realized he was in hot pursuit of the wrong things in life. That's when Balls Nasty gave his life to James Best. Balls Nasty converted to Roscoism.
RL: That's fascinating. Do go on. . .
BN: Well you see. . .
They walk past the dock and Balls sees several of the RDCW hopefuls milling around and stops mid-sentence. His face contorts in rage as he completely forgets about what he was saying and doing. He sees a familiar face and starts yelling.BN: Dragon Man! Hey! Dragon Man!
Jade Dragon? Whatever the fuck your name is, you shoulda listened to me last week!
Several of the RDCW hopefuls scream in abject horror as someone slams the door to the dock in Balls' face. Balls Nasty gets to the door and tries it. It's stuck. He tries to break it down but there's something keeping it from moving...BN: You think this is a joke? I'm not playin' around with you little clowns anymore, you hear me? I told you to clear out, and you went and got yourself a match!
Balls Nasty pounds on the door a few more times, then goes over to a vertical sliding door made for trucks to back up to. He gets a grip on the bottom of the door, heaves mightily, and lifts the door into the air before striding through, Robin and camera crew scurrying after...RL: Robin Luscious here with breaking news! Balls Nasty is confronting the RDCW hopefuls once again on the loading dock of the Cheesedome!
BN: Thought you'd be funny and try to lock me in, huh?
The hopefuls are all standing near the door, some leaning against it. Dolphin Lad spots Balls first and lets out a squeak of alarm before leaping off the loading dock and dashing off across the lot, leaving a shiny wet yellow trail on the pavement behind him. The others back away from the door and scatter...BN: You! Cowboy! Where is he?
Pecos Pleather Pete: Jade Dragon? I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you, ya lousy varmint!
BN: Didn't you learn your lesson last week?
PPP: It ain't right, mister! You shouldn't be terrorizin' us! All we want is a fair shake, y'hear?
Balls hauls Pete into the air by his vest and slams him against the wall a few times before shaking him around like a ragdoll...BN: I'll give you a fair shake, little man. No problem there!
Balls hurls Pecos Pleather Pete into the back of an open semi trailer and shuts the door...BN: This guy... what's his... can't believe... Hey, I remember you!
The Fireman backs away nervously...BN: Yeah, you tried to hit me with something last week, didn't you? Come over here...
The Fireman backs away a little more, but trips over a chair and falls. Balls is right there in an instant and yanks him off the ground, then wraps the hose of the fire extinguisher around the Fireman's neck and begins choking him until Baarooq, the militant African-American D&D Barbarian comes up behind him and hits him in the back with a chair shot! Balls drops the Fireman and whirls around, enraged...BN: THAT'S IT! If I can't get to the fuckin' Jade Dragon, at least I can pound all of you rejects!
Balls grabs the chair and brings it down on the fallen Fireman with a resounding smash...Baarooq, the militant African-American D&D Barbarian: Damn.
Still holding the chair, Balls lifts Baarooq, the militant African-American D&D Barbarian off his feet with a rising chair shot! Dropping the chair, Balls Nasty whirls around and catches The Great Bluedini sneaking up on him from behind! Balls grabs Bluedini by the throat for a chokeslam, then changes his mind and hurls the smaller man into a waiting Chief Pink Feather, who despite the crushing pain of the impact doesn't seem to mind all that much... BN: Is that everybody?
Balls spots Hombre Del Mouse breaking for the closed door. As Balls charges after him, Hombre Del Mouse struggles with the handle and can't seem to get the door open. At the last instant, the door opens from the inside, and Hombre Del Mouse darts through it past none other than the Jade Dragon...BN: There you are!
Jade Dragon says nothing...BN: Aren't you gonna run like that candyass did?
Jade Dragon just stands there...BN: Are you gonna try and put up a fight this time?
Jade Dragon doesn't respond, just stares hard at Balls Nasty through the green mask...BN: Aren't you at least gonna say anything before I kick your ass?
Jade Dragon just shrugs, then silently turns and walks away down the corridor...BN: What the hell... you didn't... you'd better not make me chase you down that hall...
Out of sight, Jade Dragon's footsteps recede down the corridor...BN: Dammit! Get back here! Dragon! DRAGON!!!
Balls turns and punches through the window of the loading-dock door. Ignoring his bleeding hand, he turns and sees he turns and sees Dolphin Lad, standing next to Robin Luscious, who is rubbing his chin as they walk down the hallway. RL: Aren't you just the cutest little guy?

. . .and Boss Hogg did slap Roscoe's hand away from the vittles. . .