Originally Posted By: whomod

This is part of the reason I'm here.

My own board is having a wee bit of the doldrums as well and i'm sick of debating with no one or getting a "yup".

The problem here, Whomod, is that everything has been said here previously by everyone here already... it's like the RKMBs is in summer reruns .. permanently.

We need new members, but there is a tendancy to scare off newbies at these boards.

We've lost some great posters like BSAMS, Animalman, etc.

Wannabuyamonkey is gone..

Nowhereman is missing now, too.. hope he's just on vacation or something and will return soon.

LLance appears very seldom.. Klinton, too.

Jim Jackson is gone.

Karla is gone. Ariel and Notwedge hardly ever post now.

And PJP has been downgraded to special guest star. \:\(

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.