Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
PJP said:
To me, falling apart means the starters(star players) are going out there and getting shelled and beat to shit. That has hardly been the case. In some cases the vetrans haven't pitched well, but the reason they have lost games is injuries.....and that too shall pass. The offense didn't look so great this weekend against the Sox. Also Beckett started out great last year too and ended up falling apart.....injuries had nothing to do with it. Beckett also got rocked against the Yanks, and he was just lucky to win the game. He ain't that good.

i dunno. i think the yankees definitely had the stink of pitching doom on them thus far this season. that doesn't mean i think it'll stay that way -- in fact, i see them winning the east again. however, their pitching has really taken a hit in these first few weeks.

injury after injury has hurt the starters. they've been bringing in n00bs and wearing out the bullpen. pitching injuries really compile and end up affecting the entire rotation and, clearly, the win/loss record -- especially to the magnitude the yankees have been hit this year.

but, as peejus said, its best for this to be happening in april/may and not august/september. its also impressive that, with all the pitching disaster, they're still doing quite well and have found a few surprises in the bunch.