This is probably one of my favourite bits of Sicko.

Now people may try to say Moore is a fabricator and a liar,exaggerator, etc. But as he says, magnetic tape doesn't lie. Why am I not surprised Nixon is involved.

And it's funny, one word was more than enough to sell Nixon on HMO's. "Private". I dunoo.. is this a Pavlovian response among the right or something? Everything "private" is good. Everything to do with the Government is baaaaad. Is it because it's even less likely people those inclined to that kind of language will ever be 'Dictator of America' than the chances of them one day being the asshole in charge of a HMO and it being they raking in ill gotten gains (to quote A scene in The Simpsons ;\) )?

Yes yes, some on the right might ridicule, "ah.. there go those liberals, "Republicans are responsible for all bad. Republicans are EEEVVVIIILL!" as they are apt to do. How do you argue with audio of Nixon himself being happy when told profits would increase for the CEO's, and then the killer: "The less care you give them, the more money they make".

"NOT BAD"???!!!!

Jeez. Is there anything Nixon touched that didn't turn to shit?

Watergate is just an interesting bit of history. yeah, it was a Constitutional crisis and all that. But it really doesn't affect me too much. Not now. What this man facilitated however, does.