Superman/Doomsday bites.
I have no idea what the fuck that atrocity I just witnessed was.
It started off all right. Anne Heche's voice is pretty jarring though. They took liberties from the beginning (IE: Doomsday's 1st appearance) but I was willing to let it pass as it was an all right deviation and not too central to the overall story.
However, it soon became the prerequisite slugfest that we were all expecting. Pretty violent scene actually. Then, except for one touching scene where Anne Heche sort of redeemed herself, it just turned to shit.
It was NOTHING like the original story. It was just some crappy made up one where the stakes were much lower and it was easily resolved in order to come in at the allotted 70 minute time frame.
If it was DC's intention of retelling classic stories in animated fashion, they're off to a crap start. What they did wasn't to retell the Death of Superman. What they did was instead rewrite the entire damn thing.
I dunoo. it was just ...awful.