- this is quite possibly the gayest Superman ever portrayed on film.
I don't mean that in a derrogative sense, I mean that in the sense that this film is laced with slightly veiled homo-erotic phrases or imagery. At more then one occasion, Lex refers to Superman as a "Beautiful God." There's a seen were Lex is fighting his evil Superman clone, straddled on top of him and asking "Why did you leave me?" For a moment, not just myself but the others watching the film with me, honestly thought Lex was gonna kiss him! Throw on top of that a few shots of Supes in a thong with his flowing locks and some oil wrestling between the two Superman and you really get to wondering.
My favorite part had to be when evil Superman grabbed the now long-locked Superman by the hair, repeatedly pulling him down to "Knee" him in the face. Of course, all we see is Superman's head bobbing up and down a few times, before falling to his knees and onto the ground. Evil Superman follows this attack with, "Now who's better EQUIPPED to defend the city." I almost fell out of my chair.
Wow. This could finally make Rob a Superman fan.