now, if the quality is poor, that is a separate question all together.
Well with any movie, that's pretty much all that matters. I'm sure WE all know the difference but as I sad before, I don't think the public at large is going to differentiate between this movie and the actual comics story, not if they haven't already read it. And if they haven't, I don't think this is going to inspire anyone to want to.
but why do you think that is so bad? why
can't this movie (or the reeve superman film, or smallville or batman begins, or BTAS, etc) be cannon to fans? maybe its their bridge to the world of comics, or maybe its simply their exposure to comic characters, but why is either so terrible?
(on a related note, the comic book "death" story wasn't exactly the iliad. in fact, other than the "big iconic moment" many would say it was kinda terrible. and messy. ... and i
still don't understand how the fucker came back.)
Rob. Why is it your lol graemlin looks like mocking laughter rather than amusement in general?

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