Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I feel like Bruce Timm or whoever was in charge didn't care much for the whole idea.

Which is a shame because JL/JLU adapted some classic stories rather nicely. Superman/Doomsday should have been a two part DVD.

Part 1: Clark/Lois/Superman development, establish a kick ass non-gay Lex Luthor, Doomsday gets free, big fight, emotion, Supes dead, funeral. Maybe toss in Superman's body being kidnapped or some related subplot. Cliffhanger end.

Part 2: Quick recap of part 1, Metropolis tries to move on, Lois and Martha still mourn, Kryptonian force (Eradicator) takes over as a new Superman working with Lex, Superman is reborn thanks to Eradicator, Supes fights power mad Eradicator and Lex, Supes wins, happy ending, AD!