Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Well this just reminded me of a lot of things. My current sig line, PJP, the country in general. Man, would more people, especially in the media have that kind of honesty.

I'm assuming you mean how pro-war I was in '03 and '04 and how now I feel somewhat betrayed by my Party. Let me just say I have always had some liberal tendencies (I know it's hard for you to believe)

No. Not at all actually. I have some very traditional and conservative tendencies on certain matters and am very left wing on others. I think most of us are. It's only the media and Kool Aid drinkers of either side that like to paint everything in stark "us or them" extremes.

and if it wasn't for foreign policy and unfair taxes I would have been voting Democrat long ago. The war in Iraq is an abomination and the reason for that is how badly it was mis-managed by Rumsfeld. Looking back I now know that going to war without France and Germany and even Russia supporting us was a bad idea. But when you had leaders in charge there that had opposing the USA at every step as the cornerstone of their foreign policy they left us with little choice.

I like to think they were looking at ALL the intelligence. As opposed to us who were getting a very one sided assesment of facts.

I would not have been as pro-war then if I knew what I know now though and I'm sure that is what you are trying to say. History will probably say Bush's greatest failures were his inability to break ties with bad eggs in his cabinet. Who knows, in 20 years if peace has broken out in the middle east they may be pointing to a stable democracy in Iraq and say that was the catalyst. (let's hope that that is the case) Regardless, it seems that it is time for us to get out of Iraq as soon as possible and save our troops and give them the well needed rest they deserve.

What is the quote. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. this is not only Vietnam, it's the British occupation of the same land 100 years ago. I Dont think we'll be successful any more than they were.

*and as far as Blackwater goes that is a disgrace to this country. Get those fucking thugs out of there.

Couldn't agree more with that.