Originally Posted By: whomod

Ray, i bet you'd look good in a burka.

I wasn't even going to bother with this, but...

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Maybe you'd like to fly to Bin Ladin's cave in Afhganistan and write him a press release of this, Whomod.

i dunoo... I watch a lot of cable news and whenever i hear right wing pundits talk, it's all nothing but comments like these that are supposed to silence and stun people somehow. Like that retarded women in the last clip I posted a page ago where she tells a critic that she'd look good in a burka. Ok. so what? Is that supposed to pass as intelligent dialogue and discussion? Or is that just a few loaded words and names strung together designed to somehow lamely paint anyone who discusses this war as agents or stooges of Bin laden.

Like all advertising and slogans, they do have an expiration date. The GOP and their cheerleaders are still unaware of this apparently or they're just in denial about their effectiveness..

String Iraq, 9/11, and/or Osama together a few more times and people might again believe.

If you bothered to watch your own you-tube link, Chris Matthews just rudely shouts over the woman every time she tries to defend and explain Cheney's 1994 "quagmire" remarks in releation to the 2003 Iraq invasion. You can't understand a word she says, because Matthews doesn't allow her to say anything. Then he lets Bush-hating liberal partisan Naomi Wolf get in her factless liberal digs, where she uses the word "lies" about 20 times in 3 sentences, then the token conservative gets in the only intelligible words she is permitted in this clip, telling Naomi Wolf she'll "look great in a Burka".

It looks to me, with this clip that you posted, that it is liberals who smother all dissenting opinion. Conservatives may disagree with you, but at least they'll let you talk.

I can agree that the Bush administration has made a lot of mistakes, and that they should be investigated. But don't imagine for a second that Democrats have some higher standard of truth, and don't warrant the same investigation.

The biggest mistakes of the Bush administration are the failure to secure our borders and contain illegal immigration. And the further push of globalization that threatens high-paying industrial and white-collar jobs in the U.S., with the threat of offshoring jobs outside the U.S., and threatening to fill the jobs that remain here with low-wage immigrants, that continue to drive down wages.
This is a trend that has gon on through multiple presidencies, both Republican and Democrat. Bipartisan economic treason.

Again: 7 of the top 10 donors to the DNC are also among the top 10 donors to the GOP. So whether it's Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani, the same anti-American globalist interests will continue to control both parties.

So spare me your nyah-nyah-nyah gloating about every minor Republican scandal and conspiracy theory, when the Democrats are just as complicit in these events, whether it's offshoring jobs or voting to invade Iraq.