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whomod #873033 2007-09-30 7:11 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

While I agree that accountability is good, would that you would hold the same standard of accountability to Democrats.
Such as Bill Clinton's two failures to capture Osama Bin Ladin.

I discussed this already.

That's a bogus link, that doesn't even connect to one of your posts.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

As for the rest, Rex summed it up nicely, thank you very much.

blah blah bla blacks bla bla bla jews bla bla...

Yeah, it's consistent for you to endorse his inane remarks, even though I said nothing about blacks or jews. As I've said many times, I'm very pro Israel, so allegations that I made antisemitic remarks are absurd, and the other allegations are equally ridiculous.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

The U.S. military prosecuting Iraq war atrocities, the Congress investigating atrocities. Even the Administration condemning atrocities means nothing to you from the sound of it.

Seven U.S. soldiers and their superior officers who allowed it.
But to hear you allege it, here and in other topics, every one of the 150,000 soldiers in Iraq are guilty of the same abuses.
Despite that it was American soldiers who reported the abuses, it was American military who investigated, tried and prosecuted these abusers, sentenced them to prison terms, and court-martialed and discharged their superior officers.

The administration condemned the actions of these seven soldiers. Whereas you smear the entire U.S. military, who were repulsed by these actions and took steps to remove the abusers from their ranks and punish them.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Rather I think you believe that America can do what it wants and not have to answer to anyone.

That's just another of your ad-hominem attacks. I clarified the truth in my above paragraph.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

It's a waste of time talking to you since you refuse to critically examine anything. Rather you like to wave flags and lob accusations at anyone who doesn't nod approvingly of this debacle whenever anyone says "progess is being made' and "we're winning hearts and minds". A few more slogans and a few more critics silenced and and we'll be in candy and flowers land lickety split!

You're the one lobbing ad-hominem accusations, who can't seem to defend his POV.

All I've done is point out your partisanship, where you act as if corruption is unique to the Republicans, and that Democrats are morally pure and free of corruption.

To answer your other point About Vice President Cheney's 1994 remarks about how invading Iraq would have been a "quagmire", -vs.- the same kind of operation he advocated in March 2003:

I saw Cheney answer this when mockers first started you-tubing his 1994 remarks. He made his rounds on Meet the Press and other Sunday news shows and answered that. Basically, the situation did change after 9-11. And while the same risks of an Iraq invasion existed, Saddam was still a major player in regional terrorism (he gave a $15,000 check to the family of every suicide bomber in West Bank and Gaza, he supplied training for terrorists and other funding, he continued to threaten his neighbors,and murder and torture his own people). And that widening belt off terror couldn't be allowed to grow in the age of Al Qaida, post-9/11.
In addition to pursuing WMD's, David Kay in his report before congress said that Iraq was on the verge of economic collapse before the March 2003 invasion, and that the scientists involved in WMD research would have become impoverished but highly marketable, or a "nuclear arms bazaar on sale to the highest bidder".

So in a nutshell, Cheney's response was that the quagmire risk in Iraq was the same, but the risks of not going into Iraq risked far more, in de-stabilization and terrorism in the region.

rex #873035 2007-09-30 7:16 AM
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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
blah, blah, liberals, blah blah, blacks, blah blah gays, blah blah jews, blah blah

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Wonder Boy #873036 2007-09-30 7:22 AM
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You're certifiably crazy.

You say the most inane shit I swear to God.

1) I was endorsing the bla bla bla part of Rex's post. But go ahead and post your tolerant credentials. BTW, I'm also pro Israel so there. \:p

2) WTF???!! So now besides teaching Islam, i allege that EVERY SINGLE U.S. soldier commits atrocities??!! Like I say... you're batshit crazy!

3) Does it really matter what Cheney pulls out of his hat in justification? the only relevant point is that his recent assessments turned out to be flat wrong. going into Iraq created more destabilization, created MORE terrorism than if they had NOT invaded. You don't have to believe me since just about every report coming out of Iraq says as much.

whomod #873037 2007-09-30 7:30 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod

Ray, i bet you'd look good in a burka.

I wasn't even going to bother with this, but...

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Maybe you'd like to fly to Bin Ladin's cave in Afhganistan and write him a press release of this, Whomod.

i dunoo... I watch a lot of cable news and whenever i hear right wing pundits talk, it's all nothing but comments like these that are supposed to silence and stun people somehow. Like that retarded women in the last clip I posted a page ago where she tells a critic that she'd look good in a burka. Ok. so what? Is that supposed to pass as intelligent dialogue and discussion? Or is that just a few loaded words and names strung together designed to somehow lamely paint anyone who discusses this war as agents or stooges of Bin laden.

Like all advertising and slogans, they do have an expiration date. The GOP and their cheerleaders are still unaware of this apparently or they're just in denial about their effectiveness..

String Iraq, 9/11, and/or Osama together a few more times and people might again believe.

If you bothered to watch your own you-tube link, Chris Matthews just rudely shouts over the woman every time she tries to defend and explain Cheney's 1994 "quagmire" remarks in releation to the 2003 Iraq invasion. You can't understand a word she says, because Matthews doesn't allow her to say anything. Then he lets Bush-hating liberal partisan Naomi Wolf get in her factless liberal digs, where she uses the word "lies" about 20 times in 3 sentences, then the token conservative gets in the only intelligible words she is permitted in this clip, telling Naomi Wolf she'll "look great in a Burka".

It looks to me, with this clip that you posted, that it is liberals who smother all dissenting opinion. Conservatives may disagree with you, but at least they'll let you talk.

I can agree that the Bush administration has made a lot of mistakes, and that they should be investigated. But don't imagine for a second that Democrats have some higher standard of truth, and don't warrant the same investigation.

The biggest mistakes of the Bush administration are the failure to secure our borders and contain illegal immigration. And the further push of globalization that threatens high-paying industrial and white-collar jobs in the U.S., with the threat of offshoring jobs outside the U.S., and threatening to fill the jobs that remain here with low-wage immigrants, that continue to drive down wages.
This is a trend that has gon on through multiple presidencies, both Republican and Democrat. Bipartisan economic treason.

Again: 7 of the top 10 donors to the DNC are also among the top 10 donors to the GOP. So whether it's Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani, the same anti-American globalist interests will continue to control both parties.

So spare me your nyah-nyah-nyah gloating about every minor Republican scandal and conspiracy theory, when the Democrats are just as complicit in these events, whether it's offshoring jobs or voting to invade Iraq.

rex #873039 2007-09-30 7:36 AM
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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
blah, blah, liberals, blah blah, blacks, blah blah gays, blah blah jews, blah blah

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
Wonder Boy #873041 2007-09-30 7:46 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again: 7 of the top 10 donors to the DNC are also among the top 10 donors to the GOP. So whether it's Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani, the same anti-American globalist interests will continue to control both parties.

So spare me your nyah-nyah-nyah gloating about every minor Republican scandal and conspiracy theory, when the Democrats are just as complicit in these events, whether it's offshoring jobs or voting to invade Iraq.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Also, in whomod's defense, he's a liberal, but not a partisan. He will blast the democrats when they are not, in his mind, ideologically pure.

It's not even about "ideology" I wouldn't know WTF "liberal" ideology is. I usually just go with what my instincts tell me is right and wrong.

Taking credit for troop reductions that were already going to take place regardless is not only dishonest, it's immoral. Claiming more troops "might' come home when his own biography has him plotting to continue the war and hand it off to his successor no matter what, is wrong.

It's not even about Republican or democrat with me anymore. The Dems have shown their own ineptitude, capitulation, and cowardice throughout this entire debacle. And the body count rises.

And did I ever say they wearn't guilty of lies and misdeeds themselves? Stop trying to pull controversy out of your ass.

whomod #873043 2007-09-30 7:55 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
You're certifiably crazy.

You say the most inane shit I swear to God.

1) I was endorsing the bla bla bla part of Rex's post. But go ahead and post your tolerant credentials. BTW, I'm also pro Israel so there. \:p

2) WTF???!! So now besides teaching Islam, i allege that EVERY SINGLE U.S. soldier commits atrocities??!! Like I say... you're batshit crazy!

3) Does it really matter what Cheney pulls out of his hat in justification? the only relevant point is that his recent assessments turned out to be flat wrong. going into Iraq created more destabilization, created MORE terrorism than if they had NOT invaded. You don't have to believe me since just about every report coming out of Iraq says as much.


Coalition forces torture Iraqi prisoners topic:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Chant said:
But that Rumsfeld comes out and says to the media and the people shows that they admit it happened, and that something worse happened aswell.
That at least, counts for something

The only problem with that statement is that the abuse was well known a long time ago but Rumsfeld is only now being so forthcoming thanks to that CBS 60 Minutes II broadcast which blew this story open. If not for that peice, I doubt we'd be here discussing this or Rumsfeld would be disclosing anything to the public and/or Congress.

The Red Cross disclosed that it had been warning American officials of WIDES[P]READ (not isolated incidents) of prisoner abuse for much of 2003 to no avail. Where was Rumsfeld then?

Wow. What faith you have in our soldiers, and in our military leadership to investigate and remove criminals within its ranks.

And while I often have my doubts, I've often heard the argument made that if we didn't go into Iraq, things could be even messier with (again: David Kay's testimony before congress) a failed Iraqi state, with impoverished unemployed Iraqi WMD scientists on sale to the highest bidder in a nuclear arms bazaar, and, without U.S. forces in Iraq, an all-out civil war in Iraq spilling over into the rest of the surrounding region.

Wonder Boy #873044 2007-09-30 8:02 AM
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So because I disapproved of Abu Ghraib, I therefore accused every single American soldier of atrocities? Help me out with your bizarre reasoning, please.

Wearn't those soldiers prosecuted BTW? So are you saying that the U.S. military also thinks every single soldier is committing atrocities?

Or you're just an idiot who goes all knee-jerk defensive if any criticism is voiced even when warranted. Especially when warranted.

and "widespread" doesn't mean "every-single soldier". I don't know why you think so.. well.. I do actually. Because you want to paint the evil liberals as being anti-troops of course. It fits your narrative as always.

whomod #873046 2007-09-30 8:20 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod

So because I disapproved of Abu Ghraib, I therefore accused every single American soldier of atrocities? Help me out with your bizarre reasoning, please.

Wearn't those soldiers prosecuted BTW? So are you saying that the U.S. military also thinks every single soldier is committing atrocities?

Or you're just an idiot who goes all knee-jerk defensive if any criticism is voiced even when warranted. Especially when warranted.

and "widespread" doesn't mean "every-single soldier". I don't know why you think so.. well.. I do actually. Because you want to paint the evil liberals as being anti-troops of course. It fits your narrative as always.


 Originally Posted By: WB

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Chant said:
But that Rumsfeld comes out and says to the media and the people shows that they admit it happened, and that something worse happened aswell.
That at least, counts for something

The only problem with that statement is that the abuse was well known a long time ago but Rumsfeld is only now being so forthcoming thanks to that CBS 60 Minutes II broadcast which blew this story open. If not for that peice, I doubt we'd be here discussing this or Rumsfeld would be disclosing anything to the public and/or Congress.

The Red Cross disclosed that it had been warning American officials of WIDES[P]READ (not isolated incidents) of prisoner abuse for much of 2003 to no avail. Where was Rumsfeld then?

Wow. What faith you have in our soldiers, and in our military leadership to investigate and remove criminals within its ranks.

7 were prosecuted and convicted. Out of 150,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

You clearly smeared the U.S. military, far beyond the 7 prosecuted and convicted, of having "WIDESPREAD" similar abuses, implying that these abuses were rampantly taking place throughout our military forces in Iraq.
Again: It was U.S. soldiers who were disgusted by these abuses and reported them. It was the U.S. military who investigated, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned, these 7 abusers.

Far from what you imply as "WIDESPREAD".

Wonder Boy #873047 2007-09-30 8:32 AM
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"The Red Cross disclosed that it had been warning American officials of WIDES[P]READ (not isolated incidents) of prisoner abuse for much of 2003 to no avail"

What part of that didn't YOU understand? You seem to like misrepresenting things. The Red Cross report for your information was ABOUT detainees in particular and specifically ABOUT Abu Ghraib not about the U.S. forces in general as YOU are implying. No one ever said that, numbnuts. You are implying it to suit your own agenda.

And the entire point of even discussing that was in the fact that, despite the Red Cross report nothing was ever done about it until those infamous pictures were leaked to the media.

I dunoo. what kind of hate filled lunatic are you anyways? How do you interpret being for the Geneva Conventions and against the kind of torture we saw in the photos as being against all the troops in Iraq? Must one approve of such acts to be "for the troops" in your book?


Wonder Boy #873048 2007-09-30 8:32 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again: 7 of the top 10 donors to the DNC are also among the top 10 donors to the GOP. So whether it's Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani, the same anti-American globalist interests will continue to control both parties.

So spare me your nyah-nyah-nyah gloating about every minor Republican scandal and conspiracy theory, when the Democrats are just as complicit in these events, whether it's offshoring jobs or voting to invade Iraq.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Also, in whomod's defense, he's a liberal, but not a partisan. He will blast the democrats when they are not, in his mind, ideologically pure.

It's not even about "ideology" I wouldn't know WTF "liberal" ideology is. I usually just go with what my instincts tell me is right and wrong.

Taking credit for troop reductions that were already going to take place regardless is not only dishonest, it's immoral. Claiming more troops "might' come home when his own biography has him plotting to continue the war and hand it off to his successor no matter what, is wrong.

It's not even about Republican or democrat with me anymore. The Dems have shown their own ineptitude, capitulation, and cowardice throughout this entire debacle. And the body count rises.

And did I ever say they wearn't guilty of lies and misdeeds themselves? Stop trying to pull controversy out of your ass.

You sometimes are capable of non-partisan remarks. But you can't seem to refrain long from "Republicans are evil" -type rhetoric, where you gloat about every Republican scandal, and speculate every possible imagined Republican evil, while defending Democrats as as the grail-holders of truth with all the answers.

I've actually been critical of Republicans, and have been for years on these boards, even as I support the Republicans as ideologically closer to what I beleive, but still point out where they've strayed from the true path of Reagan-conservatism.
I even point out where Reagan himself has strayed from Reagan conservatism! (Immigration amnesty, bankruptcy laws, the steel industry...)

But you, Whomod...

You just rant on with the partisan rhetoric, perhaps even lying to yourself.

Oh yeah, and I'm crazy...

Look in the mirror, you ranting fanatic.

Wonder Boy #873049 2007-09-30 8:38 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm crazy...

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Wonder Boy #873050 2007-09-30 8:39 AM
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No. Republicans aern't evil. They're just (for the most part)in lock step with a walking disaster called the George W. Bush administration.

whomod #873055 2007-09-30 9:15 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Pundits are like lawyers. They'll argue a point, no matter how disproven just to be the voice of the opposition (or to defend failed policy because it's their sides policy). If you have facts and truth on your side, then I think, You don't have to resort to personal attacks, diversions and flat out falsehoods like saying Al Queda is the #1 enemy in Iraq or linking 9/11 and Iraq or Osama Bin Laden etc.

Yes, that goes for both the right and left. With Iraq though, the right has a pretty shoddy track record in the truth department so they're not exactly coming at people willing to give them a wide latitude for trust anymore.

Assuming I agreed with you, you're not talking to pundits here.

As for "hiding behind" Rex. I think I've made similar postings in regards to Wonder Boy in the past. That Rex beat me to it either shows he's a plagiarist, like minded, or he just knows who he's ridiculing. I choose the latter.

Now why would YOU phrase it like that though? Who's hiding? Why would I hide? Everything here seems like a bulb goes off in ones head that says, Wonder Boy is on MY SIDE therefore I have to run in and defend him and mock the one 'attacking' him. At least it SEEMS that way to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

.....Why did you even come back? It seems like all you're doing right now is copy/pasting articles, like before, and inviting arguments. But after Wonder Boy responds to you, you forfeit the discussion and just call him racist or insane. At least pre-exodus you actually had the impetus to respond fully to most of what people had to say.

I'm not so much trying to sponsor him as I am trying to criticize you. Rex's post was sweeping and inflammatory, but that's the nature of a troll after all. You, on the other hand, are trying to pass yourself off as a semblence of reason and intelligent debate, but you use Rex's post to try and sound witty. Bad form.

Wonder Boy #873060 2007-09-30 9:59 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

That Hardball fellow is a fucking idiot and should not be in charge of a political debate program!

Racks be to MisterJLA
whomod #873067 2007-09-30 11:01 AM
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 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: Whomod
"The Red Cross disclosed that it had been warning American officials of WIDES[P]READ (not isolated incidents) of prisoner abuse for much of 2003 to no avail"

What part of that didn't YOU understand? You seem to like misrepresenting things. The Red Cross report for your information was ABOUT detainees in particular and specifically ABOUT Abu Ghraib not about the U.S. forces in general as YOU are implying. No one ever said that, numbnuts. You are implying it to suit your own agenda.

There's no misrepresentation on my part. You clearly imply that U.S. military abuses go far beyond 7 U.S. military guards at Abu Ghraib. You don't even say: There may possibly be some other possible abuses.
You say "WIDESPREAD", indicating it is a problem throughout the U.S. forces in Iraq. You smear the entire military.

Further, in other posts --not two years or more ago, but in the last few days-- you smear our military as alienating Iraqis with unprovoked violence, and now do the same toward the private security employed in Iraq.
But like I said, you report their security is suspended, but selectively don't mention that after a few days of negotiation they're back on duty in Iraq. And if the Iraqi government believed they were trigger-happy thugs, they wouldn't have reinstated them.

And even when the Iraq surge is now going well, you knee-jerk reflexively deny that.

You're like an enemy talking-points machine, that instantly spits out anti-American propaganda in response to whatever happens, whether things are going well or not.
Well, since January, the surge has been working. Visible progress is being made. But you just can't bring yourself to acknowledge anything that goes well under Bush.

I don't support Bush on a number of issues. But on the economy and on the tenacity to not cave under political pressure before the job is done in Iraq, I do. I supported firing Rumsfeld for a long time before he was relieved, to replace him with someone who restores bipartisan confidence. And when he was replaced, the change in Iraq was significant.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

And the entire point of even discussing that was in the fact that, despite the Red Cross report nothing was ever done about it until those infamous pictures were leaked to the media.

The truth is, the U.S. military was investigating it before the story broke, and breaking the story just created a lot of anger and false allegations that just made it harder to see what the real facts were, with a lot of hostile Iraqis making false allegations after-the-fact, just to make the Americans look bad.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

I dunoo. what kind of hate filled lunatic are you anyways? How do you interpret being for the Geneva Conventions and against the kind of torture we saw in the photos as being against all the troops in Iraq? Must one approve of such acts to be "for the troops" in your book?

I never said I supported Abu Graib torture. That's another of your deliberate misrepresentations of me.

I condemned the 7 guards and am glad them and their superior officers officers who permitted it were removed. But I don't like the smear of your "WIDESPREAD" insinuations about the U.S. military. Alllegations are not facts.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Sometimes I wish had enough meanness in me to give you a full taste of the mocking antagonism you live your miserable life to dish out every day. But I stood at the edge of the abyss, and I stepped back. Better to let you roast in your own bile, than to leap off there with you.


Battle not with whomods, lest ye become a whomod.
And if you gaze into the whomod, the whomod gazes also into you.

--Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche (abridged)

Pariah #873068 2007-09-30 1:16 PM
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.....Why did you even come back? It seems like all you're doing right now is copy/pasting articles, like before, and inviting arguments. But after Wonder Boy responds to you, you forfeit the discussion and just call him racist or insane. At least pre-exodus you actually had the impetus to respond fully to most of what people had to say.

I'm not so much trying to sponsor him as I am trying to criticize you. Rex's post was sweeping and inflammatory, but that's the nature of a troll after all. You, on the other hand, are trying to pass yourself off as a semblence of reason and intelligent debate, but you use Rex's post to try and sound witty. Bad form.

Bad form? By providing facts and videos that support his case? He's made plenty of argument on his own. Sounds to me like the typical conservative denial of anythng that isn't part of there dogman through character assassination.

But what do I know? I am Whomond

Last edited by Halo82; 2007-09-30 1:20 PM.

Wonder Boy #873069 2007-09-30 1:20 PM
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There's no misrepresentation on my part. You clearly imply that U.S. military abuses go far beyond 7 U.S. military guards at Abu Ghraib. You don't even say: There may possibly be some other possible abuses.
You say "WIDESPREAD", indicating it is a problem throughout the U.S. forces in Iraq. You smear the entire military.

Further, in other posts --not two years or more ago, but in the last few days-- you smear our military as alienating Iraqis with unprovoked violence, and now do the same toward the private security employed in Iraq.
But like I said, you report their security is suspended, but selectively don't mention that after a few days of negotiation they're back on duty in Iraq. And if the Iraqi government believed they were trigger-happy thugs, they wouldn't have reinstated them.

And even when the Iraq surge is now going well, you knee-jerk reflexively deny that.

You're like an enemy talking-points machine, that instantly spits out anti-American propaganda in response to whatever happens, whether things are going well or not.
Well, since January, the surge has been working. Visible progress is being made. But you just can't bring yourself to acknowledge anything that goes well under Bush.

I don't support Bush on a number of issues. But on the economy and on the tenacity to not cave under political pressure before the job is done in Iraq, I do. I supported firing Rumsfeld for a long time before he was relieved, to replace him with someone who restores bipartisan confidence. And when he was replaced, the change in Iraq was significant.

Originally Posted By: whomod

And the entire point of even discussing that was in the fact that, despite the Red Cross report nothing was ever done about it until those infamous pictures were leaked to the media.

The truth is, the U.S. military was investigating it before the story broke, and breaking the story just created a lot of anger and false allegations that just made it harder to see what the real facts were, with a lot of hostile Iraqis making false allegations after-the-fact, just to make the Americans look bad.

Originally Posted By: whomod

I dunoo. what kind of hate filled lunatic are you anyways? How do you interpret being for the Geneva Conventions and against the kind of torture we saw in the photos as being against all the troops in Iraq? Must one approve of such acts to be "for the troops" in your book?

I never said I supported Abu Graib torture. That's another of your deliberate misrepresentations of me.

I condemned the 7 guards and am glad them and their officers were removed. But I don't like the smear of your "WIDESPREAD" insinuations about the U.S. military. Alllegations are not facts.

People really need to wake the fuck up and stop with this incessant military brown nosing that scewers the facts. People act like it's hubris to say anything remotely negative about the military. The best part though is people kiss the militaries ass and then as soon as they come back to the U.S or get out of the service nobody gives fuck about them.

Last edited by Halo82; 2007-09-30 1:21 PM.

Chant #873097 2007-09-30 3:52 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Chant
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

That Hardball fellow is a fucking idiot and should not be in charge of a political debate program!

It's about as much of a 'debate program' as the Factor is. Both shows tend to put people of differing political persuasions on there either just so they can say they've heard the other side out or so they can twist the other side's words around to serve their own purposes. I'm starting to wonder if there was any such thing as an unbiased media outlet.


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Wank and Cry #873098 2007-09-30 3:53 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Halo82
But what do I know? I am Whomond

What's a whomond, Walter?


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Wank and Cry #873099 2007-09-30 3:54 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Halo82
The best part though is people kiss the militaries ass and then as soon as they come back to the U.S or get out of the service nobody gives fuck about them.

It's nice to see you're so supportive of our fine fighting forces as they battle the heathen hordes overseas.


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I support by acknowledging there humanity and seeing them as something more then a commodity to be used by the govt.

Wank and Cry #873102 2007-09-30 3:58 PM
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You're new so I'll save you some wondering. I'm just messing around with you.


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Oh yeah, go ahead with the brilliant . But fake respect never did any good.

Wank and Cry #873105 2007-09-30 4:09 PM
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The hell are you talking about?


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You could probaly figure it out if you actually thought about what I was saying instead of jumping the gun with your

Wank and Cry #873107 2007-09-30 4:11 PM
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Dude, I wasn't arguing with you. I was just having some fun with you. Don't tell me you're a humorless bastard like almost everyone else that posts in here.


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I have humor. See-

Wank and Cry #873117 2007-09-30 4:27 PM
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Or, if you want to see something really hilarious in a dellusional type way.

Wank and Cry #873119 2007-09-30 5:05 PM
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See, I don't care enough about politics to get that up in arms about people's differing opinions. I'm more likely to be disappointed than hysterically enraged by the 'other side'.


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Pariah #873125 2007-09-30 5:18 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Assuming I agreed with you, you're not talking to pundits here.

You wearn't that clear in that posting. I thought you were referring to the punditry in the YouTube Clip. So I responded.

As for "hiding behind" Rex. I think I've made similar postings in regards to Wonder Boy in the past. That Rex beat me to it either shows he's a plagiarist, like minded, or he just knows who he's ridiculing. I choose the latter.

[quote].....Why did you even come back? It seems like all you're doing right now is copy/pasting articles, like before, and inviting arguments. But after Wonder Boy responds to you, you forfeit the discussion and just call him racist or insane. At least pre-exodus you actually had the impetus to respond fully to most of what people had to say.

Do you hold the keys to the Kingdom here or something? If so then I'll be on my way. If it's just a few of you who don't like me, then deal with it. As for me, i have no problem with you. It's only 2 posters here who I have issue with and you aern't one of them.

I also think you're oversimplifying the discussions. I'll call WB racist or insane AFTER he says something racist or insane. And then I'll explain why. Do you just skip those parts? As for cutting and pasting. I've seen more than my share of that here WITHOUT any comments or opinions afterwards by the poster. I try to add my opinion to my pastings. The pasting itself is to open up another topic of discussion. So why so selective in the criticism? Or is it consistent and I just missed the criticism of G-Man when he does it WITHOUT commentary afterwards?

I'm not so much trying to sponsor him as I am trying to criticize you. Rex's post was sweeping and inflammatory, but that's the nature of a troll after all. You, on the other hand, are trying to pass yourself off as a semblence of reason and intelligent debate, but you use Rex's post to try and sound witty. Bad form.

I don't want to be a troll but like I said before, if someone is going to accuse me of things like say, accusing all the troops in Iraq of atrocities or just rambling abut how I teach Islam and hate America, then they deserve as harsh as i can dish it. It seems fair to me.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
See, I don't care enough about politics to get that up in arms about people's differing opinions. I'm more likely to be disappointed than hysterically enraged by the 'other side'.

that's sensible.

I started to feel that way after the '06 election. Now i only get disappointed by the Democrats cowardice.

If anything raises my blood pressure, it's getting lost in personal DISTRACTING tangents like right now where one gets sidetracked into explaining how you don't think ALL troops commit atrocities and liberals don't actually all teach Islam an hate America..

Wank and Cry #873132 2007-09-30 5:34 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Halo82

But what do I know? I am Whomond

"whomond", Halo?

Well at least you didn't call me whormod. \:-\[

whomod #873134 2007-09-30 5:54 PM
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"whomond", Halo?

Well at least you didn't call me whormod.

I meant to do that.

Wank and Cry #873144 2007-09-30 6:38 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Halo82

People really need to wake the fuck up and stop with this incessant military brown nosing that skewers the facts. People act like it's hubris to say anything remotely negative about the military. The best part though is people kiss the militaries ass and then as soon as they come back to the U.S or get out of the service nobody gives fuck about them.

Or of course if military personnel say anything against the Iraq war then suddenly they're "fake soldiers" to quote a bonehead insult Limbaugh made the other day.

Rush Limbaugh has never worn the uniform in his life, yet he's got the moral standing to pass judgment on the men and women who risked their lives for this nation?

Polls have shown that the majority of troops on the ground in Iraq, and those who have returned, do not back the President's failed policy.

Does Rush believe, then, that the majority of the US Armed Forces are "phony?"

Major Generals John Batiste and Paul Eaton left the military and have spoken out against the Bush Administration's failed policies. These are former commanders in Iraq, and they have challenged the Administration for its stubborn refusal to listen to those commanders on the ground who have sent up warning after warning.

Does Rush believe that highly decorated Major Generals are "phony soldiers?"

Finally, recall the members of the 82nd Airborne in Iraq who wrote a New York Times op-ed, urging for a change in course in Iraq, and suggesting it was time to figure out the exit strategy. Two of them just died.

Does Rush believe these young troops are "phony soldiers?"

whomod #873146 2007-09-30 6:43 PM
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Yeah...there's that too.

Rush Limbaugh is a fat druggie anyway.

Wank and Cry #873148 2007-09-30 6:59 PM
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And a liar.

whomod #873149 2007-09-30 7:05 PM
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Not detecting any irrational rage at all!


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Why is it rage" to point out that Rush backpedaled and flat out lied about calling soldiers who oppose the war, "phony solderies".

I'm calm right now. Eating a sandwich and sipping coffee. I don't detect "rage' in my tone. Of course on a MB, it's hard to detect tone anyways....

Wank and Cry #873167 2007-09-30 8:59 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Bad form? By providing facts and videos that support his case? He's made plenty of argument on his own. Sounds to me like the typical conservative denial of anythng that isn't part of there dogman through character assassination.

But what do I know? I am Whomond


You could be the next JQ.

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