Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again: 7 of the top 10 donors to the DNC are also among the top 10 donors to the GOP. So whether it's Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani, the same anti-American globalist interests will continue to control both parties.

So spare me your nyah-nyah-nyah gloating about every minor Republican scandal and conspiracy theory, when the Democrats are just as complicit in these events, whether it's offshoring jobs or voting to invade Iraq.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Also, in whomod's defense, he's a liberal, but not a partisan. He will blast the democrats when they are not, in his mind, ideologically pure.

It's not even about "ideology" I wouldn't know WTF "liberal" ideology is. I usually just go with what my instincts tell me is right and wrong.

Taking credit for troop reductions that were already going to take place regardless is not only dishonest, it's immoral. Claiming more troops "might' come home when his own biography has him plotting to continue the war and hand it off to his successor no matter what, is wrong.

It's not even about Republican or democrat with me anymore. The Dems have shown their own ineptitude, capitulation, and cowardice throughout this entire debacle. And the body count rises.

And did I ever say they wearn't guilty of lies and misdeeds themselves? Stop trying to pull controversy out of your ass.