Originally Posted By: whomod
You're certifiably crazy.

You say the most inane shit I swear to God.

1) I was endorsing the bla bla bla part of Rex's post. But go ahead and post your tolerant credentials. BTW, I'm also pro Israel so there. \:p

2) WTF???!! So now besides teaching Islam, i allege that EVERY SINGLE U.S. soldier commits atrocities??!! Like I say... you're batshit crazy!

3) Does it really matter what Cheney pulls out of his hat in justification? the only relevant point is that his recent assessments turned out to be flat wrong. going into Iraq created more destabilization, created MORE terrorism than if they had NOT invaded. You don't have to believe me since just about every report coming out of Iraq says as much.


Coalition forces torture Iraqi prisoners topic:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Chant said:
But that Rumsfeld comes out and says to the media and the people shows that they admit it happened, and that something worse happened aswell.
That at least, counts for something

The only problem with that statement is that the abuse was well known a long time ago but Rumsfeld is only now being so forthcoming thanks to that CBS 60 Minutes II broadcast which blew this story open. If not for that peice, I doubt we'd be here discussing this or Rumsfeld would be disclosing anything to the public and/or Congress.

The Red Cross disclosed that it had been warning American officials of WIDES[P]READ (not isolated incidents) of prisoner abuse for much of 2003 to no avail. Where was Rumsfeld then?

Wow. What faith you have in our soldiers, and in our military leadership to investigate and remove criminals within its ranks.

And while I often have my doubts, I've often heard the argument made that if we didn't go into Iraq, things could be even messier with (again: David Kay's testimony before congress) a failed Iraqi state, with impoverished unemployed Iraqi WMD scientists on sale to the highest bidder in a nuclear arms bazaar, and, without U.S. forces in Iraq, an all-out civil war in Iraq spilling over into the rest of the surrounding region.