Originally Posted By: whomod

If anything raises my blood pressure, it's getting lost in personal DISTRACTING tangents like right now where one gets sidetracked into explaining how you don't think ALL troops commit atrocities and liberals don't actually all teach Islam an hate America..

Whomod, you're the one who constantly sidetracks these discussions into personal attacks and insults. And accuses me and others of things that are already proven false.
Not anyone else.

We've clashed in about 4 topics since you got back to these boards around September 1st, and each time, I was politely discussing the issue and even critical of Republicans, when you laid into me with in-your-face personalized smears and insults, and accused me of being a goose-stepping Bush-ite who believes every word Republicans say, who gets my facts from Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh (despite my repeatedly for years saying my news source of choice is the PBS News Hour, and quote that and the local Sun-Sentinel about 99% of the time, and disowned O'Reilly years ago, calling him a blowhard that I never liked).

So who's falsely accusing who?

I've continuously criticized both parties, and you've continuously falsely accused me of being a Republican dupe who gets all his facts from the conservative radio commentators. Polar opposite my clearly stated and sourced views.

Look in the mirror, Whomod.

A list of topics where I posted mostly moderate views that were critical of both parties and attacked the liberal partisanship of attacking just the Republicans, where each time you entered and in off-topic fashion made it as bitterly personal as you humanly could.

Each time.