You know, I tire of dancing in circles with you. You blanketly accuse "liberals" and that's a W I D E group of people there who fall under that label of every evil under the sun then you personally accuse me of accusing E v e r y s i n g l e t r o o p of atrocities and then you cry about why I get pissed at you.

If you'd stop with the generalizations and accusations, then I'll do likewise against you. As far as Rush Limbaugh, i think I've commented on how you sound just like him. I don't recall ever saying you get your info from him. But watching and hearing the blowhards on TV and radio, they tend to make the same arguments and gross generalizations, accuse their opponents of hating America and being for the enemy, and wrap their opinions in the same terminology you use so forgive me if I've ever assumed that you do. It's just uncanny sometimes. So if you don't listen to them, you're certainly in the same exact place mentally as they are.

As for your accusations. As far as name calling. yeah. I did it. You tend to piss me off just enough to reciprocate, with your hatred and accusations of all things not conservative. So I insulted you. You think someone hearing about how "liberals this" and "liberals that" might take offense when you're accusing them of things they just don't support outside of a Bill O'Reilley broadcast. (yes yes, you don't listen to him..) Take Barak Obama. I post a famous speech of his that is a call to unity and you dismiss it as a lie or something he's not serious about. Well who the fuck are you to decide what he believes? Because it doesn't fit what you want to believe about liberals? People like me. So just stop. Stop crying. Stop bitching about me being mean to you. Because you bring it upon yourself with your sweeping and generalizing disdain. Like I said many times before. I'm not here to sit back and let you go on about what liberals are all about unchallenged. If you find that to be "hate" so be it.

By the way, I don't tech Islam, you dope. Nobody I know teaches Islam. I'm a evangelical Christian that attends a very conservative church.