Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Pariah made it clear he had a larger point than defending me, about your inability to debate the issue, and your mono-focus on insults and stereotype labels, toward those who disagree with your political views.

Oh fer fucks sake! Tell me where I haven't discussed the issue at hand? I only sidetrack AFTER you start dissecting posts and going off topic about something. And stereotype labels? About what? It'd be nice to know what the fuck you're talking about. Now me, If I were to accuse YOU of that, could easily pull up that long rant about how liberals infuriate you because they all teach islam and hate America, sneering contemptuously etc. etc.

I'm still not convinced you're really two separate people, the posting styles, mocking, and rabid anti-conservative liberalism are identical under both I.D.'s.
So I'm not sure if it's one idiot or two.

Halo is like whomod without a spellcheck.

But both bemoan a lack of civility, even as you initiate it and solicit that response from those you direct your venom at. It's your uncivility and insults, not your political views, that make you an idiot(s).

No. See I think you believe anyone who disagrees with you politically is an idiot and filled with hate. You lob it at just about everyone who disagrees with you and then make it one of your descriptives for liberals in general.

But if you want to believe I'm Halo, then go ahead. I'll start believing you're Rush Limbaugh then. Sure, it fits. Blowhard. Florida. Filled with hate for liberals. Borderline racist. Likes to say he's being misquoted when he makes an ass out of himself.