I'm probaly wasting a time responding to you with substantive thought since you probaly won't respond with anything strawman arguments (or not at all).

Pariah made it clear he had a larger point than defending me, about your inability to debate the issue, and your mono-focus on insults and stereotype labels, toward those who disagree with your political views.

Whereas Halo is just knee-jerk defending you.

That's maybe the first or second time I've defended Whomod...ever. He doesn't really need it. But I did this time for two reasons 1)nothing Pariah said made sense in the original quote and 2)I don't like moral compasses.

I'm still not convinced you're really two separate people, the posting styles, mocking, and rabid anti-conservative liberalism are identical under both I.D.'s.
So I'm not sure if it's one idiot or two.

You say this, but as I pointed out last time there's a simple solution. Have someone check are IP addresses. I live in New York and Whomod lives in California...pretty big diffrence. If you truly suspect we're the same check it out unless you want to be able to fall back on this same argument or you can't comprehend this incredibly simple form of action.

Halo is like whomod without a spellcheck.

You know, your the second right wing zombie to bring up my spelling. What is it with people? Is being shallow and petty part of being Republican?

But both bemoan a lack of civility, even as you initiate it and solicit that response from those you direct your venom at. It's your uncivility and insults, not your political views, that make you an idiot(s).

I've never bemoaned civility. I think your the only one who's whined about it. I'd, personally, rather be sincere then civil. You know what I think the problem is with conservatives like you? You've got NO imagination. You can't differentiate one liberal from another so you lump them all in as bad or venomous. BTW, I'm not liberal I just happen to take exception to right wing sophistry.