Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wonderboy is an idiot. a very sad and hateful person. anyone who boils down the complex issue of racism down to "it's not real, they're just whining."
and everything with him is a liberal conspiracy.

If I'm the hateful one, why are you the one lashing out with insults all the time, and I'm just making an effort to minimally respond in spite of it, to only the halfway legitimate issues you raise.
Without matching the same insults and venom you relentlessly toss out in your blanket hatred of conservatives, christians, etc. ?

It always amuses me to hear you talk of hate and prejudice. Even Whomod can't match your prejudicial fanaticism.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy(post was directed at whomod)

A list of topics where I posted mostly moderate views that were critical of both parties and attacked the liberal partisanship of attacking just the Republicans , where each time you entered and in off-topic fashion made it as bitterly personal as you humanly could.

so here he talks about how moderate and bipartisan he is and then attacks the liberals because they only attack one side. the irony here would just destroy any robot.
everything goes to liberals with him. i think he checks for them under the bed. it's creepy.

That ignores a lot of praise of specific Democrats I've posted --across many threads-- as individuals who "get it", regarding the Iraq war, race politics, and the global economy. Joseph Biden, Byron Dorgan, Sam Nunn, Joseph Lieberman, Christopher Dodd. Independent thinkers all.

Your slanderous remarks toward me also ignore that I've repeatedly been critical of the Republicans, on deficits, on not eliminating the tax break to pay for increased military/security spending in a time of war, not securing our borders, and for their allowing immigration (both excessive legal immigration, and unrestrained illegal immigration) combined with offshoring jobs, that combined are displacing millions of American workers from good paying jobs.

There are people from across the political spectrum who are saying this. Pat Buchanan, Lou Dobbs, Byron Dorgan, and even Ralph Nader (who I voted for in 2000).

You ignore all this.

My attacks on liberals are focused on their flawed ideology. Yeah, I beleive in the Republican ideology (the Reagan brand, anyway), and as Patrick Buchanan detailed in Death of the West, and probably more palatable for you, in Where the Right Went Wrong, both parties are equally corrupted, and both parties are part of the campaign soft money system that is enriching corporations, destroying good paying U.S. jobs, and undermining our sovereignty.

But as Buchanan details from multiple sources, the ideology of liberals is --often unknown to them, and despite their best intentions-- rooted in Soviet propaganda designed to undermine our Christian-based Western European social structure. Soviet propaganda that has outlived the Soviet state that created it, and is similarly destroying Russia as well.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

here's the classic wondy move. he posts a link to his own inane posts as if they were proof of his point. when really it's only proof that he's always been a moron.

No, they're proof that I made reasoned arguments while you and Whomod just hurled insults and mocking derision based on nothing I said.
And that you were deliberately and consistently misrepresentative of my views.

I'll give Halo this much, at least his posts, despite a few insults tossed in along the way, made an effort to discuss serious political points. I'll respond to his points in a separate post.