Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah G-man.

I was watching Ken Burns' documentary on World War II this week, The War, and it shows the many screw-ups that cost the lives of many American soldiers.

Ken Burns was talking with Bill Maher about how the soldiers felt that the war was worth it after they liberated the concentration camps and agreed that there is no such pay off with Iraq. Unlike WWII there was no threat, FDR didn't have to lie about Hitler invading countries.

Liberals will leap to find a way to discredit this good news from Iraq. It disheartens me to see such a lack of resolve regarding the Iraq war. I'm grateful this mindset didn't exist during world war II. We would have lost that war, as pure lack of commitment threatens to make us lose in Iraq.

Again your "moderate bipartisan"-ness have blamed the liberals for doubting the war and not the guy who lied to get us into it and failed to maintain order after the invasion, and well just plain failed to run the war. your the guy who blames the commentator for doubting the team instead of the coach for fucking up the play.

After Iraq and Vietnam, no ally will ever trust us to remain committed again. Millions of pro-Democracy Iraqis are threatened with extermination if we leave. It was their willingness to put themselves at risk in support of democracy that got us this far in Iraq.

Vietnam was also based on a lie (see: Tonkin). Vietnam was also us preventing democracy because we were afraid they would vote for the communists. So instead of bolstering the non-communists we just bombed them.
Both wars were messes, both wars were to help people who didn't really want our help or wanted us to actually be competent with our help.

And yet there's talk, very serious talk, of just pulling out and leaving them to die.

most of the violence is a reaction to us. We're foreign invaders in their country.

There are global ramifications to losing in Iraq, that the Left absolutely refuses to see.

there are global ramifications of us staying and continuing to be invaders. There are ramifications for our having lied about why we were going in, and there are ramifications for ignoring the UN.
"Stay the course" is pretty dumb when it keeps leading nowhere. And leaving our troops in to die based on Bush's stubborn refusal to admit mistakes is just evil. But I guess the left wanting to bring the troops home where they can be safe and alive is somehow wrong, while the republicans fighting a bill to extend troop leave is somehow supportive.

To say nothing of abandoning people who risked everything to help us.

I really think you and a lot of right wingers like to see everything as some big black and white affair. We go in, kill bad guys, all is happy. We're dealing with a country that was only a country because Saddam held it together. We didn't plan for the ramifications of his removal, even though Cheney himself said what they would be 10 years ago. The reason Bush sr. didn't go to Bagdhad is because of this quagmire.
What gives you the right to insist that American troops stay in a deadly place, with mounting fatalities just to prove some point?
Really, where the fuck do you get off. I never served, but that goes in with my stance of not wanting wars. Did you serve? Did Bush serve (aside from his questionable Air Guard duty on US soil)? Did Cheney? Because you fuckers talk about war and troop sacrifice without ever puting yourself on the line for it. You're a fucking hypocrite.

Bow ties are coool.