So, what it really boils down to is that you disagree with Bush on this particular war and that you feel it's not a worthy cause.

Okay, fair enough.

But you're not a military vet either, are you? So why does you opinion count more than your fellow nonveterans Bush and Cheney (and G-man and WB)?

Answer: it doesn't. If anything, it counts less than that of the President and Vice President since, you know, THEY WERE ELECTED TO THE JOB BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and everything. Furthermore, McCain (whom I disagree with on a number of issues) is a highly respected military vet and he agrees with Bush and Cheney about the surge and 90% of how the war has been prosecuted.

So the "they weren't in the military" is just a dodge. You have admitted and/or demonstrated that military service (or lack thereof) is not the defining factor here.

It's really just that you don't like Bush and you don't like the war. Fine. But instead of coming up with a principled argument against the war, you've got nothing but ad hominem attacks against the President, other leaders, WB and myself.