My remark was directed much more at Whomod than at you, Halo.

He attacks anyone who appears to enter on my behalf (even as he and ray gang up on me), and sees no problem with you doing exactly what he just criticized Pariah for allegedly doing (and Pariah made it clear he had a larger point than defending me).


I'm going to refrain from making further comments about the similarities between your posts and Whomod's (your reaction on any number of issues is virtually identical, even if you are two separate people), pending further comparison of your ISP's. But I'm sure there's ways around that, such as having two ISP's, or a computer at home and another at work.

But I'll treat you as two separate people now unless proven otherwise.

"virutually identical". I really don't see how. The only thing we really have in common is a disdain for the government and Bush. We write in very diffrent ways, I make far more spelling errors then Who', and I haven't the slightest fucking clue how to embed YouTube stuff. Your gonna have to be more specific (that is if you bring this up again but if you don't that's fine).

Gee, y'know that's funny, because I've seen the identical criticism of conservatives here. Check out old posts by one of the retired main conservatives here on RKMB, wannabuyamonky (or WBAM), among others.

I'll refrain from remarks of this sort as well, if it will generate more discussion and less insults. But no matter how civil I am, it seems that certain liberals here just have to get in their nasty insults and digs, to the abandonment of serious discussion of the issue.

I hope you will be one to rise above that

If you've seen it before perhaps it's because there's an element of truth to it. I can guarantee you as long as you don't take a shot at me I won't take a shot at you. However, and I'm not saying this to be offensive, but guys...on the right, well all people, but especially conservatives cling to there beliefs like there balls and take it very personally when a guy like me disagrees in robust fashion.

That's funny, since you just criticized (1)my pointing out the similarity of your posts to Whomod's as virtually identical, and (2)taking a shot at your spelling.
So you may not call for civility in exactly the same way I do, but you do anyway.

That has nothing to do with civility. My problem with your saying me and Whomod are the same or "virtually identical" is because it's a baseless assumption and my problem with you pointing out my spelling is that it's the kind of trivial thing people use to deflect point, assassinate character, and change the course of conversation when they can't make an actual argument. It has nothing to do with being civil it has to do with being intelligent. And I'm not calling you stupid.