This is one chestnut that needs to be tossed out.

The fact that the American people support a government that enlists the use of the electoral college means that any president put into office through its use is given their blessing by default.

If they don't truly like the system, then they should revolt or move to a strictly democratic nation rather than our Federalist Republic.

That's not very realistic. To think that American's understand every single aspect of the govt. before it's put into place or inacted and give therefore anything the govt. does is okay is very attenuated. Before Bush, before the war, before the 2000 elections people didn't really pay that much attention to how the system works. That's what we have officials for. Even to this day the govt is too intricate to for any one person to be competely aware of every little detail. I've heard (but can't remember) there are good reasons for the electorial vote but there's no reason why it should overrule the popular vote.