To boldly go where so ridiculously many have gone before! That's me!
For those of you interested in how I got this far, please refer to
this thread for the heroic highs and devestating lows.
I could thank some people - like Rob and MisterJLA and Sammitch and Prometheus and Grimm and thedoctor and Eurostar and GoozX and Danny and Nowhereman and sneaky bunny and harleyqwin and Cowgirl Jack and URG and UltimateJaburg53 and PJP and reaxstardust and THE bsams and the ghost of Yosemite Sam and the guy who writes and draws 'Marmaduke' - but I won't. Because this thread is about me and none of them (you) are me.
So... I've been here longer than a lot of you and have reached 10,000 in a lot more time than a lot of you. However, I remind you all that it is post
quality, not post
quantity that is important. (For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I refer you to
this thread.
Thank you and...