Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Bush is only one of several presidents who won the electoral college vote, but not the popular majority. 3 or 4 such elections, I forget.

The electoral college is set up so states with smaller populations like Deleware, Hawaii, Wyoming, or Montana, for example, aren't smothered into insignificance by states like California, Texas and New York.

If the rules were changed when Bush won in 2000, it might be fair to say Bush "stole" the election. But they weren't, so it's an absurd allegation.

As I detailed in another topic, there is ample evidence that whatever allegation of Republican manipulation is made, there is concrete evidence of Democrats pressing for unfair manipulation of the election. And then some!

The Supreme Court made a decision along partisan lines in 2000. The conservative majority made a decision was good for only that one instance.

The liberally stacked Florida Supreme court made a partisan decision, and the U.S. Supreme Court sent it back to them to resubmit the ruling in a way that was not biased.
The U.S. Supreme Court, if it wanted to engage in conservative partisanship, could have ruled the first time for Bush as president and winner of the election. But they didn't, and reluctantly did so the second time, when the same flawed ruling was submitted to them unchanged. It was a decision based on the rule of law, and on the attempts at manipulation from the Left.

When the Florida Supreme Court arrogantly re-entered the same ruling without change --after THREE RE-COUNTS of the popular votes, in front of the global media-- the U.S. Supreme Court ended the election. (And several more recounts in the months after the election, by the Washington Post, Miami Herald, and other less-than-conservative sources, who confirmed the result.
Again, the greatest manipulations were by the Democrats, who wanted to exclude absentee ballots of overseas military personnel, among other liberal manipulations, such as counting unreadable chads.

I still have my Palm Beach County sample ballot from 2000, showing a very readable so called "butterfly ballot" so my grandkids can see at least one of the "election-stealing" myths disproven.