Now, see, this is where I part company with Democrats.

I can see attacking Bush for mismanaging the war, and pressing for an altenative, more effective and winning strategy in Iraq.
That I can side with.

But the problem with the Democrat postition is that they now continue to attack U.S. military presence in Iraq, even after a more effective policy, with visible and significant results, is being pursued.

The problem is that Democrats don't see the larger threat of Al Qaeda terrorism in Iraq.
That Iraq is a hub of terrorism that, left unchecked, would spread to neighboring countries in the Middle East, to nations in Europe, and then spread to the United States. Just as Al Qaeda terrorism started with minor attacks in the Middle East, then spread to U.S. barracks in Khobar Towers, Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, an attack on the U.S.S. Cole at port in Yemen (among other attacks), and then culminated in 9/11.

So the proof is already there, that withdrawing our troops won't make Al Qaeda or Iraq insurgents call "mission accomplished" and go home. It would just embolden them to slaughter tens of thousands of their own people if we leave, before spreading their islamic violence to other pro-western Arab nations, Europe and the U.S.
This radical Islamic goal is as clearly stated by Al Qaeda, as were Hitler's ambitions of lebensraum and slavic/Jewish extermination in eastern Europe.

But Democrats (with a few exceptions like Joseph Biden and Joseph Lieberman, who are largely held in contempt and marginalized within their own party) are in absolute denial of these facts, in their unrealistic anti-war rhetoric.

And that is where Democrats earn every ounce of condemnation they receive. The goal should be to pursue a winning policy in Iraq. But Democrats, far from just criticizing the way the war is being fought in Iraq, question the morality of our being there at all. In which case, they are more allied with the enemy and the enemy's talking points, than with our own military, and our own national interests.