Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Why were you annoyed that I posed a question? I simply didn't understand exactly what you were doing, or why. That's how humans communicate, Data! ;\)

And, yeah, I know I didn't do Hartnell or Troughton. I just haven't been able to figure out a good descriptive phrase for them that fits...

I was annoyed for only a little while because it seemed a strange question to ask... You will recall how I was indifferent to the 9 th Doctor at first, and I got to like him a lot over a period of time... I'm almost as into Doctor Who as I was when I first got into the show about 24 years ago!

So, I posted that bit of qoutes from THE LAST TIME LORD because I am very impressed with the show.

If you have any more questions, such as how fast does light travel, or about Saturn's moons, or how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, fire away!

But not about why I post stuff about a show I love... \:\)

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.