Ann Coulter is the gift that just keeps giving.

My point and my problem is that people still find this woman to either be a reasonable voice or else excuse her HATE. Real hate, not just " I hate the Iraq war therefroe I hate Bush" brand of labeling differences of policy as hate.

She appeared on CNBC’s Danny Deutch “Big Idea” show and shared her warped view of Christianity vis a vis Judaism. As usual she says the most patently offensive statements and then pretends that they’re “fact.” Deutch didn’t take kindly to her definition of Christians as “perfected Jews” or her urging Jews (such as Deutch, I believe) to “get perfected.”

COULTER: No, we think — we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say. DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn’t really say that, did you?

Funny. She doesn't sound like she's kidding....

Like I said, the Republican Party really has to step up and publically distance themselves from this person who's only purpouse as far as I can see is to stoke hatred and controversy in people.