This is just sad.


Watch Bill and his guest show Rahm Emmanuel for what he and the rest of his ilk are….Cowards.

Little spineless jellyfish.

We got rid of the GOP Congress. Now we need to get rid of these assholes who run The Democratic Party.

Embarrassing spineless jellyfish.

This pathetic little weasel hasn’t got the guts to do his job. And so….

He should be out of it ASAP.

Okaaaaaaaaaaay….now we’ve got Miss Nancy on a clip with Wolf and hard as it may be to believe she’s worse than Ol’ Ramit!

And the good Speaker who just doesn't seem to "get" what Wolf Blitzer is trying to tell her. To her, passing resolutions and bills is simply to send the people a "message" about Bush and the GOP. Um.. I think the people got the message already last November. Now what they want from your weak ass is some action.

People are dying in Iraq every single day and these people are too concerned with political one upmanship.

And I don't understand why if the Dems don't have enough votes to stop a filibuster on any bill sent, why they just don't send a bill and let the Republicans have one. To me it kind of looks lazy. Make the GOP work for their opposition rather than just handing them free passes.