It gets worse... Far worse.

The defense of this that is.
The World Net Daily. An American conservative online news site, founded in 1997. It is currently in the top 80 News sites as listed at Alexa.

Coulter is right!

America is still quite friendly towards Jews, but the incessant attacks on Christianity by the likes of Deutsch, Forman and Abe Foxman have grown increasingly tiresome. Given this irritating behavior, and the historical fact that Jews have worn out their welcome in literally dozens of countries over the centuries, it is the height of foolishness for a small number of misguided individuals to demand that 80 percent of the American population remain silent about the tenets of its religious faith.

What Coulter said was offensive but this is frankly revolting. And this is apparently the game plan. Defend Coulter by aggresively going on the offense. First on Deutsh and now on Jews??! For attacking Christians??!!

The hate is unleased (or unhinged) in it's full disgusting spectacle.

Which is exactly what i was talking about when I said Coulter was a spreading cancer.