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Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Randi Rhodes is the Victim of a Violent AttackRandi Rhodes was mugged on Sunday night on 39th Street and Park Ave, nearby her Manhattan apartment, while she was walking her dog Simon.
According to Air America Radio late night host Jon Elliott, Rhodes was beaten up pretty badly, losing several teeth and will probably be off the air for at least the rest of the week. At of late Monday night we have not able to locate any press accounts of the attack and nothing has been posted on the AAR website.

Several liberal blogs, including the Randi Rhodes Message Board and Democratic Underground have logged numerous posts on the Rhodes mugging with most of the posters expressing concern about the condition of the popular lib talker.
Morning talk host, Lionel filled in for Rhodes on Monday, but did not say anything about why she wasn’t on hand to do her show. The Randi Rhodes board reports that Sam Seder, who does a Sunday afternoon show for AAR, will be filling on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Elliott was extremely agitated when he reported on the incident. He opened his show by saying "it is with sadness that tonight I inform you that my Air America colleague Randi Rhodes was assaulted last night while walking her dog near her New York City home."
Pointing out that Rhodes was wearing a jogging suit and displayed no purse or jewelry, Elliott speculated that "this does not appear to me to be a standard grab the money and run mugging."
"Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own," he asked. "Are we threatening them. Are they afraid that we're winning. Are they trying to silence intimidate us."
Some of blog posters also expressed concerns that the attack on Rhodes was hate crime. Other posters warned that we need more facts before any judgements are made.
According to Elliott, Rhodes was resting in her New York City apartment and was not hospitalized.
Attacks on liberal talk radio stations and their hosts are not a new thing. About a month ago a gunman fired a shot through a window at the studios of KPFT, Houston’s, Pacifica station narrowly missing a DJ who was hosting music show at the time. There is currently a $10,000 reward offered to anyone who identifies the shooter.
This is not the first politically motivated attack on KPFT. More than 35 years ago, the Ku Klux Klan blew up the station's transmitters twice within the Houston station's first year on the air.
Also, according to a blogger on Democratic Underground, Thom Hartmann said on his Friday show that his auto repairman, after replacing his windshield, pointed out to him that he had three bullet holes in his car.
Apparently, some right-wing critics of lib talk aren’t happy that conservative talk only accounts for 90% of the programming on talk radio. These people appear determined to whatever it takes to silence the opposing point of view.
Not surprisingly, the only talk radio host killed for his political views was a liberal. In 1984, two right wing extremists gunned down Denver talk show host Alan Berg. Berg’s tragic murder was memorialized in a chilling movie Talk Radio

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that's too bad. some poor woman is attacked for being part of the "liberal media" by some rightwing nut. Few normal muggings are that violent.
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It is too bad that some woman was attacked. But I would point out that, despite the above conjecture by a liberal blog that there is currently no evidence whatsoever that the attacker was a conservative.
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That's not the point, Ray. I too think it's pretty fucked up that she's been attacked. But, as G-man pointed out, there is no evidence of the motivation of the attack. It may have been some right-wing nut, or it may not have. Saying otherwise at this point is just conjecture and paranoid.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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There's also a movement of late among the left to demonize conservative talk radio, apparently in an effort to regulate and censor it. I suspect that some of the more rabid lefties are going to use this attack as yet another "we need to clamp down on talk radio" talking point regardless of who the attacker was and regardless of their motivation.
With that being said, I still hope they catch the assholes who attacked her and send them to jail for a good long time.
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It is too bad that some woman was attacked.
That's not the point, Ray. I too think it's pretty fucked up that she's been attacked. But, as G-man pointed out, there is no evidence of the motivation of the attack. It may have been some right-wing nut, or it may not have. Saying otherwise at this point is just conjecture and paranoid. i got more annoyed that he said "some woman." that seemed kind of mean.
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What difference should it make who the woman was? Are you saying if it was Ann Coulter you'd be all happy, but since it's the Air America lady you're out for blood? I realize you never claimed to be objective but 
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I said "some woman" because it's wrong for any woman to be attacked in this matter, not just famous ones.
Tell me, Ray: would whomod have posted, or you chimed in, on this topic if it was some random woman who'd been beaten in New York?
Of course not. You wouldn't give a shit, unless it was a chance for you to indulge your need to remind us of your "I hate Bush" and/or "republicans are all evil" agenda.
So who's the uncaring one here, Raymond? I would submit its people like you who only worry about others when it advances their worldview.
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What difference should it make who the woman was? Are you saying if it was Ann Coulter you'd be all happy, but since it's the Air America lady you're out for blood? I realize you never claimed to be objective but  i wouldn't express glee at any woman being attacked. i would probably avoid the thread instead of chiming in just to be an asshole instead of trying to fix my failing marriage and "law career."
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I said "some woman" because it's wrong for any woman to be attacked in this matter, not just famous ones.
Tell me, Ray: would whomod have posted, or you chimed in, on this topic if it was some random woman who'd been beaten in New York?
Of course not. You wouldn't give a shit, unless it was a chance for you to indulge your need to remind us of your "I hate Bush" and/or "republicans are all evil" agenda.
So who's the uncaring one here, Raymond? I would submit its people like you who only worry about others when it advances their worldview. sure, g-man. you tell yourself that. like lex luthor saying superman is the villain. yes, i'm superman in this scenario.
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Alleging she was attacked for political reasons is just so much liberal smear, without the slightest evidence. She was mugged. If it were politically motivated, I think the responsible parties would want to make a strong statement to that effect. Even through an anonymous phone call or letter. There are so many more obvious cases where liberals use harassment, intimidation and violence in an attempt to silence their political opposition. Not merely disagree with them. Silence them. A laundry list sampling of liberal anti-war harassments and violence Now the left is attempting to silence the pro-troop movement by accusing us of acts of violence we haven't committed but that they absolutely, positively SPECULATE will happen.
See how it works, folks? Speculate about the possibility of violence by the war-mongering right-wing neo-con talk-show hosts and their supporters, and attempt to start an advertiser boycott based on ludicrous assumptions, and then try to create a media-frenzy over words never spoken.
As irritating as these efforts to silence conservative radio talk-show hosts are, they pale in comparison to the injustice being committed against our military by the liberal left.
In the San Francisco Bay Area there's been an active campaign to chase out the U.S. military.
Local governments banned Jr. ROTC from schools; the city of San Francisco prohibited the Marines from filming a commercial in the streets if Marines would be in attendance; an airplane full of Marines returning from Iraq to Oakland International Airport were classified as cargo and prohibited from being allowed in the passenger terminal because of disdain for the military; an effort was made to ban the Blue Angels from flying overhead during Fleet Week because the super-skilled pilots are deemed too militaristic.
Now the rabid anti-military organization Code Pink has vandalized the local Marine recruiting office in Berkeley, Calif. They're staging vigils at the recruiting center where they harass new recruits, deface the building and insult the staff. They called Capt. Richard Lund of the office "a traitor" – an insult reminiscent of MoveOn.org's attack on Gen. David Petraeus as "General Betray Us."
When the radical left marches in the streets dressed like prostitutes in Code Pink's Pepto Bismol get-ups, shouting that children are dying because our military lies, that's A-OK – according to liberals and the news media. (Oh wait, "liberals and the news media" is redundant!)
But you can't have true patriots who love and respect the men and women who serve and protect our rights, including our freedom of speech, assembling to show their support. That's dangerous. They should be stopped before they turn violent.
That's the asinine sentiment by those who are trying to shut down talk radio and first silence, and then destroy, our military.
My response to the intimidators is this: Go. To. Hell.
We are not afraid of you, or your thuggish tactics.
Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2007-10-16 4:52 PM. Reason: quote added.
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And it's funny, that liberals would hold up Randi Rhodes, of all people, as an example of an innocent person singled out for intimidation. Since she has openly advocated violence against Bush on her radio program. Randi Rhodes advocated violence against Bush in on-air "gunshots" skit
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wow. you say it's liberal to assume she was attacked for political reasons and then you all but say that if she was, she deserved it. wow.
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And here's some liberals at a UTSA conservative speaking appearance, conservatives who just wanted to peacefully voice their perspective of the immigration crisis and support of the Minutemen border observers, who through a combination of violence and shouting of liberal slogans, were prevented from exerting their first amendment rights and even being heard. UTSA riotYou were saying something about political violence and nazi-esque strong-arm tactics, Whomod? Randi Rhodes was mugged, no clear political motivation. These acts of liberal violence are clearly motivated by liberal hate and suppression of free speech.
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wow. you say it's liberal to assume she was attacked for political reasons and then you all but say that if she was, she deserved it. wow. No, I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of her own comments, and of the liberals who support her and slander conservatives in her name.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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It is too bad that some woman was attacked.
That's not the point, Ray. I too think it's pretty fucked up that she's been attacked. But, as G-man pointed out, there is no evidence of the motivation of the attack. It may have been some right-wing nut, or it may not have. Saying otherwise at this point is just conjecture and paranoid. i got more annoyed that he said "some woman." that seemed kind of mean. Maybe he should of said 'a' instead of 'some', but that doesn't indicate that he was being mean or an asshole. It just means that's how you took it. I get it, Rayfus, you don't like G-man. But to use anything he posts, regardless of content, as a reason to call him names or attack him has brought you down to reaxian levels. Learn to pick your battles, young Adlerwalker, less you be tempted by the Dark Side.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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I get it, Rayfus, you don't like G-man. But to use anything he posts, regardless of content, as a reason to call him names or attack him has brought you down to reaxian levels. Learn to pick your battles, young Adlerwalker, less you be tempted by the Dark Side. Ray passed over into the Dark Side a long time ago. There isn't enough content in his posts for me to bother reading them anymore.
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sure, Davey Wonderbra, suuuure... 
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Ahhhh. How sweet it is.
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Ahhhh. How sweet it is. see, this is why i'm against prisons having internet access.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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I post a story about Randi Rhodes being attacked and in a matter of hours it turns into another 'evil liberals attack all the time' thread.
Thanks Wonderboy for your humanity and compassion.
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Maybe you should stop attacking the moral underpinnings of our glorious nation, you godless liberal scumbag!
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I post a story about which strongly suggests Randi Rhodes being attacked by the evil right wing conspiracy and in a matter of hours it turns into another chance for me to play the victim!
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I post a story about Randi Rhodes being attacked and in a matter of hours it turns into another 'evil liberals attack all the time' thread.
Thanks Wonderboy for your humanity and compassion. See how it works, folks? Speculate about the possibility of violence by the war-mongering right-wing neo-con talk-show hosts and their supporters, and attempt to start an advertiser boycott based on ludicrous assumptions, and then try to create a media-frenzy over words never spoken.
As irritating as these efforts to silence conservative radio talk-show hosts are, they pale in comparison to the injustice being committed against our military by the liberal left. Your Randi Rhodes article is an attempt to blanket-smear conservatives as the attackers of anyone who opposes their views. I posted several sources that show the opposite is true, that liberals smear, harass, intimidate and unleash violence against conservative views they don't like, to silence them. The Randi Rhodes article falsely implies right-wing participation in her mugging. The sources I gave show leftist intimidation and violence that is undisputed.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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*** You are ignoring this user *** Ahhhh...  stop pleasing yourself to my posts. it's weird.
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"Your Randi Rhodes article is an attempt to blanket-smear conservatives as the attackers of anyone who opposes their views. I posted several sources that show the opposite is true, that liberals smear, harass, intimidate and unleash violence against conservative views they don't like, to silence them." Exactly. You do have to love how he posts another biased "attack" article, and then acts surprised when people respond to it. "What? This is just another news story! How dare you turn this into a political debate!" Right. 
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He'll be sorry when the INS shows up to deport his "girlfriend"... 
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"Your Randi Rhodes article is an attempt to blanket-smear conservatives as the attackers of anyone who opposes their views. I posted several sources that show the opposite is true, that liberals smear, harass, intimidate and unleash violence against conservative views they don't like, to silence them." Exactly. You do have to love how he posts another biased "attack" article, and then acts surprised when people respond to it. "What? This is just another news story! How dare you turn this into a political debate!" Right. Yeah, anyone who isn't Ray, Whomod or their accompanying trolls and alts understands that. I think Whomod and Ray understand it too, they'll just never acknowledge it. Rack JLA, 1000 points !
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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**I am an ignorant user**
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Only pussies hide behind alts.
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I Feel Pretty, So NeoCon Pretty 500+ posts
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Speaking of pussy, Don't you have to go beg forgiveness from Meeko, Churchboy? 
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I'm seeing headlines that she wasn't even mugged.
Fair play!
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Speaking of pussy, Don't you have to go beg forgiveness from Meeko, Churchboy? Weak. We haven't been together for quite some time. Even if you weren't a pussy alt I'd be disappointed in you.
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I Feel Pretty, So NeoCon Pretty 500+ posts
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Weak. We haven't been together for quite some time. Even if you weren't a pussy alt I'd be disappointed in you. Fair enough... that WAS weak of me, and I'm disappointed in myself for the cheapshot. Sorry. But I'm not an alt! Not in the traditional sense. Ask Rob, I'm fairly certain I show up as my unique IP address. I'm not an ID Whomod, Ray, G-Man, who the fuck ever switches to so they can get in a dig. This ID is just how I choose to interact with "people" on this MB. Honest Injun.
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That's what she said.  Believe what you want, but the apology was sincere.