Alleging she was attacked for political reasons is just so much liberal smear, without the slightest evidence.

She was mugged. If it were politically motivated, I think the responsible parties would want to make a strong statement to that effect. Even through an anonymous phone call or letter.

There are so many more obvious cases where liberals use harassment, intimidation and violence in an attempt to silence their political opposition. Not merely disagree with them. Silence them.

A laundry list sampling of liberal anti-war harassments and violence

Now the left is attempting to silence the pro-troop movement by accusing us of acts of violence we haven't committed but that they absolutely, positively SPECULATE will happen.

See how it works, folks? Speculate about the possibility of violence by the war-mongering right-wing neo-con talk-show hosts and their supporters, and attempt to start an advertiser boycott based on ludicrous assumptions, and then try to create a media-frenzy over words never spoken.

As irritating as these efforts to silence conservative radio talk-show hosts are, they pale in comparison to the injustice being committed against our military by the liberal left.

In the San Francisco Bay Area there's been an active campaign to chase out the U.S. military.

Local governments banned Jr. ROTC from schools; the city of San Francisco prohibited the Marines from filming a commercial in the streets if Marines would be in attendance; an airplane full of Marines returning from Iraq to Oakland International Airport were classified as cargo and prohibited from being allowed in the passenger terminal because of disdain for the military; an effort was made to ban the Blue Angels from flying overhead during Fleet Week because the super-skilled pilots are deemed too militaristic.

Now the rabid anti-military organization Code Pink has vandalized the local Marine recruiting office in Berkeley, Calif. They're staging vigils at the recruiting center where they harass new recruits, deface the building and insult the staff. They called Capt. Richard Lund of the office "a traitor" – an insult reminiscent of's attack on Gen. David Petraeus as "General Betray Us."

When the radical left marches in the streets dressed like prostitutes in Code Pink's Pepto Bismol get-ups, shouting that children are dying because our military lies, that's A-OK – according to liberals and the news media. (Oh wait, "liberals and the news media" is redundant!)

But you can't have true patriots who love and respect the men and women who serve and protect our rights, including our freedom of speech, assembling to show their support. That's dangerous. They should be stopped before they turn violent.

That's the asinine sentiment by those who are trying to shut down talk radio and first silence, and then destroy, our military.

My response to the intimidators is this: Go. To. Hell.

We are not afraid of you, or your thuggish tactics.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2007-10-16 4:52 PM. Reason: quote added.