Well, first you posted this, where you basically insulted the Doctor as "turning into G-man" for simply pointing out your perpetuation of the myth:
Originally Posted By: whomod
Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Originally Posted By: whomod
There's still hope yet that she was attacked by some right wing nut. Yay!
I want someone I admire to be attacked so conservatives can look bad.
Real nice. That's patently disgusting. Especially considering the entire point I posted it was on account of the fact that I like Randi. A lot. It was GOOD to hear that she was OK and that it was just some guy on air overreacting.
Tell me Doctor, when did you turn into G-Man?
And then after some further brow-beating with the facts by G-man, you finally recanted that there was any potential for a conspiracy:
Originally Posted By: whomod
G-Man. It didn't happen. It was a mistake on the part of the air America DJ. A mistake that was repeated by a few blogs who believe their source, and by myself as well. I was wrong. That Eliott guy was wrong. The blog was wrong.
Is that clear enough for you?
It's actually no problem to admit this because contrary to what some here believe, it's a PLEASURE to hear that this is actually not so bad.
But yeah, you finally did let it go.
Please keep this in mind in the future, though, as you criticize any conservatives here, for their "evil liberals" remarks, and try to remember your many "evil conservatives" remarks, such as this non-starter topic that tried to blanket-smear Republicans as violent attackers and intimidators of any liberal dissent.
In other words, despite the fact that this wild speculation has been thoroughly disproven, by Randi Rhodes herself, no less, you and other liberals will keep the myth that this was a conservative hit on Randi Rhodes alive forever.
I've already given multiple examples of liberal attacks on conservatives, and many other attempts of liberals, using the most spiteful of methods, to suppress free speech of anyone that opposes their views.
So after I already said it was a mistake and I was wrong, you still can't resist getting your daily quota of "evil liberal" plot conspiracies in, can ya?
Seriously dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Well, first you posted this, where you basically insulted the Doctor as "turning into G-man" for simply pointing out your perpetuation of the myth:
Originally Posted By: whomod
Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Originally Posted By: whomod
There's still hope yet that she was attacked by some right wing nut. Yay!
I want someone I admire to be attacked so conservatives can look bad.
Real nice. That's patently disgusting. Especially considering the entire point I posted it was on account of the fact that I like Randi. A lot. It was GOOD to hear that she was OK and that it was just some guy on air overreacting.
Tell me Doctor, when did you turn into G-Man?
And then after some further brow-beating with the facts by G-man, you finally recanted that there was any potential for a conspiracy:
Originally Posted By: whomod
G-Man. It didn't happen. It was a mistake on the part of the air America DJ. A mistake that was repeated by a few blogs who believe their source, and by myself as well. I was wrong. That Eliott guy was wrong. The blog was wrong.
Is that clear enough for you?
It's actually no problem to admit this because contrary to what some here believe, it's a PLEASURE to hear that this is actually not so bad.
But yeah, you finally did let it go.
Um... okay?
Seriously dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't know if that is an apology or what because frankly it doesn't sound like one.
All I know is that i click on this thread and AFTER I've already acknowledged that the story was wrong and that I made a mistake you decide to get your last digs in (to ALL liberals BTW) by completely ignoring that fact.
Plus I don't seem to recall blanketly accusing all conservatives of anything. If you can find that quote of mine where I do accuse all conservatives of trying to stifle free speech, please post away.
I think his point, whomod, is more or less the same as Doc's was at one point.
With that being said, WB, I think whomod's figured out by now that Rhodes wasn't attacked by a conservative and I don't see him as still pushing that theory.
First, she wasn't the victim of a fascist right-wing attack which probably would have gotten her a book deal.
And now, insult to injury, she winds up getting fired by Air America for calling former hero-of-the-left-turned-reactionary-demon Hillary an "f--ing whore."
Mark Greene, the President of Air America is a big Pro-Hillary shill. He's sometimes seen on MSNBC touting Hillary's momentum or her great campaign or other fanciful flights of fancy.
This was as expected as Malloy getting fired after he started criticizing Israel's heavy handedness in the Gaza Strip.
Air America for all it's press as the liberal network is pretty centrist and it's been that much more so after Greene took over.
I sure as hell stopped listening a long time ago and catch Malloy and Rhodes on the net streaming on their sites.
I hope you're not going to claim that Rhodes was fired for being critical of Hillary when, in fact, it's common knowledge that any radio personality caught dropping the F-bomb gets shit-canned.
I hope you're not going to claim that Rhodes was fired for being critical of Hillary when, in fact, it's common knowledge that any radio personality caught dropping the F-bomb gets shit-canned.
You are aware that she wasn't on-air when she made those remarks, right?
This is pretty much the death knell for Air America which with Mark Greene has turned into a centrist political correct station that is routinely at odds with the very liberal audience it was supposed to cater to.
Randi, unarguably their best personality, now joined Nova M radio where pretty much all the top talent on Air America is trickling to. I think the final straw with Air America was in the fact that Randi was plugging Mike Malloy on her last Air America broadcast. Which apparently is taboo as Malloy really pisses off the Air America management.
Their last really good talent is Sam Seeder who BTW already has one foot at Nova M and one still at Air America. Everyone else as far as my affiliate in L.A. is concerned is already syndicated anyways so Air America is really just vanishing away into insignificance as talent like Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy and now Randi Rhodes continue on the air uninterrupted, outside of Air America and despite Air America's current management.
You can see in this video that a Mr. Crowley had some secret held against Randy Rhoads:
“The House Republican brand is so bad right now that if it were a dog food, they’d take it off the shelf, also they would kill babies” said retiring Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.)
"Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican Party much more than the Democrats have, perhaps even more than Fonzie surfing in boots." - Barry Goldwater
20 years, millions of scapegoats, and hundreds of denials later(but they sure looked cool)
this is indicative of the crazed ...mob. This story was revealed to be a hoax... a hoax by a desperate racist. And you all fell for it because ..frankly, it reinforces ... racist assumptions.... Gotta love those rascally mentally unhinged ....
this is indicative of the crazed DESPERATE RACIST GOP mob. This story was revealed to be a hoax... a hoax by a desperate racist. And you all fell for it because ..frankly, it reinforces Republican racist assumptions.... Gotta love those rascally mentally unhinged College Republicans.
Um, two points:
1. I never indicated I "fell for it" or even commented on it because, quite frankly, the fact the "B" was backwards just screamed "hoax" to me. 2. I think, before you gloat too much about this, or claim what this hoax means about conservatives in general, you should stop and consider that you're the same person who, when a liberal talk show was injured in NYC a few months ago, started a thread about how she was mugged in "an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own."
There has been an onslaught of incidents escalating over the last week, from verbal attacks to vandalism, from spitting to full blown violence.
Sunday, October 12
In one case, an Obama supporter was shopping with his infant son when an angry McCain-Palin supporter rammed his shopping cart. Luckily, the police were able to identify the man from video of his license plate, and he was charged with assault.
Wednesday, October 15
In Greensboro, North Carolina, a reporter Joe Killian was kicked to the ground at a Palin rally just for doing his job. He was interviewing Obama supporters who were protesting the Palin rally after a group of angry McCain-Palin supporters warned him that Palin was the story - not the protesters. One McCain-Palin supporter was so angry at Killian for interviewing the Obama supporters that he kicked him to the ground - from behind.
Friday, October 17
Even Barack Obama's home state is not immune. Two separate homeowners in Villa Park, Illinois found death threats in their mailboxes that read,
Get the Obama signs off your property - now. Failure to obey this order will result in the immediate death of all family members.
Although both families vow to keep the signs in their yards, one of the families is now afraid to let their 7 year old son play outside in the yard.
Saturday, October 18
In Wisconsin, McCain-Palin supporter Ronald Goetsch physically attacked 58 year old Nancy Takehara, grabbing her by the hair and striking her in the face, while she was canvassing for Obama. According to Takehara, "[Goetsch] was telling us we're not his people, we're probably with ACORN, and he started screaming and raving. He grabbed me by the back of the neck. I thought he was going to rip my hair out of my head. He was pounding on my head and screaming. The man terrified me."
By the time Takehara returned to her home in Chicago, she had a message from Barack Obama on her answering machine. She called the number that had been left on her machine and talked directly to Obama. He reassured her and said that this is an isolated and extremely rare occurrence, but many Obama canvassers have begun to voice fear or nervousness about canvassing both because of a rash of incidents reported in the news and because of a notable change in atmosphere on the streets. Some who were previously comfortable canvassing along are now opting to canvass in pairs.
Saturday, October 18
Incidents have even occurred at Obama events. In Fayetteville, North Carolina, someone slashed the tires on more than 30 cars during an Obama rally, leaving women and children stranded. Lynne Steenstra, whose tires were slashed, believes it was meant to intimidate Obama supporters, to prevent them from casting their votes.
Sunday, October 19
The car of an Obama volunteer was trashed (rear windshield smashed, spray painted, stolen Obama signs shoved into the backseat) while he was out to dinner with friends.
Sunday, October 19
In Princeton, West Virginia, a crowd of McCain-Palin supporters gathered to heckle and intimidate mostly black voters as they arrive to vote at an early voting location. When journalist Christina Bellantoni asked the sheriff if the protesters were allowed at the early voting location, the sheriff showed no concern of voter intimidation and merely answered, "They're fine."
October 19, 2008
In Fairfield, Ohio, Mike Lunsford hung an Obama effigy from a noose in a tree in his front yard. He attached a campaign sign to a ghost figure, wrote "Hussain" (yes, it was misspelled), put a noose around its neck, and strung it up in a tree.
I have found no reports of Obama supporters retaliating or otherwise engaging in violence in this campaign.
Tuesday, October 20
A bear carcass was dumped with Obama signs strung around its neck at the base of the statue at the entrance to the Western Carolina University campus in Cullowhee, North Carolina, where tensions have recently been heating up between conservative locals and liberal college students.
October 21, 2008
Someone took an Obama yard sign and replaced it with a large Confederate flag in the yard of an elderly African American minister. That night, after the flag had been replaced with a new Obama sign, a car drove by several times, honking and yelling at the family. The next day, the car returned again, honking and yelling in broad daylight, "No Change!" while a reporter interviewed the family in the yard. The minister told a local reporter that he had a simple message to pass on to the culprit, "I love you, and God does too." The Baptist minister also told the reporter, "I feel like this is somebody with a lot of hatred in their heart. It's our job to help the guy try to do better in life."
What can the Obama campaign and Obama supporters do to stave off the psyops of the McCain-Palin campaign?
Barack Obama and his campaign staff and volunteers are already doing it. Social influence research shows that having shared goals (task interdependence) is the best way to integrate ingroup and outgroup ("us versus them") members. Obama, his staff, and his volunteers should simply continue to emphasize the goals, dreams, and values that Barack Obama shares with ordinary Americans. Barack Obama and his supporters should continue to emphasis his shared "American experience".
Feldman wisely notes, though, that this work will not end after the election even if Barack Obama wins,
Anyone blaming the McCain-Palin campaign for stoking the prejudices of people in small towns should also be talking about how the McCain-Palin campaign is going to leave these same people drowning in a sea of propaganda-inspired fear on Nov. 5 if Barack Obama wins.
The home of Central Florida Republican headquarters manager Rog Coverely was shot at due to his support of Republican Presidential candidate John McCain.
“All I can tell you is this, I have a very good relationship with my neighbors,” Coverely said. “I mow my lawn. The only thing that has changed is I have two McCain signs in my front yard”.
Coverely also says he has taken about 300 calls concerning stolen or vandalized McCain signs in the area, adding, “Democrats have become far more aggressive in Seminole County because it is such a heavy Republican area”.
There has been an onslaught of incidents escalating over the last week, from verbal attacks to vandalism, from spitting to full blown violence.
Sunday, October 12
In one case, an Obama supporter was shopping with his infant son when an angry McCain-Palin supporter rammed his shopping cart. Luckily, the police were able to identify the man from video of his license plate, and he was charged with assault.
Wednesday, October 15
In Greensboro, North Carolina, a reporter Joe Killian was kicked to the ground at a Palin rally just for doing his job. He was interviewing Obama supporters who were protesting the Palin rally after a group of angry McCain-Palin supporters warned him that Palin was the story - not the protesters. One McCain-Palin supporter was so angry at Killian for interviewing the Obama supporters that he kicked him to the ground - from behind.
Friday, October 17
Even Barack Obama's home state is not immune. Two separate homeowners in Villa Park, Illinois found death threats in their mailboxes that read,
Get the Obama signs off your property - now. Failure to obey this order will result in the immediate death of all family members.
Although both families vow to keep the signs in their yards, one of the families is now afraid to let their 7 year old son play outside in the yard.
Saturday, October 18
In Wisconsin, McCain-Palin supporter Ronald Goetsch physically attacked 58 year old Nancy Takehara, grabbing her by the hair and striking her in the face, while she was canvassing for Obama. According to Takehara, "[Goetsch] was telling us we're not his people, we're probably with ACORN, and he started screaming and raving. He grabbed me by the back of the neck. I thought he was going to rip my hair out of my head. He was pounding on my head and screaming. The man terrified me."
By the time Takehara returned to her home in Chicago, she had a message from Barack Obama on her answering machine. She called the number that had been left on her machine and talked directly to Obama. He reassured her and said that this is an isolated and extremely rare occurrence, but many Obama canvassers have begun to voice fear or nervousness about canvassing both because of a rash of incidents reported in the news and because of a notable change in atmosphere on the streets. Some who were previously comfortable canvassing along are now opting to canvass in pairs.
Saturday, October 18
Incidents have even occurred at Obama events. In Fayetteville, North Carolina, someone slashed the tires on more than 30 cars during an Obama rally, leaving women and children stranded. Lynne Steenstra, whose tires were slashed, believes it was meant to intimidate Obama supporters, to prevent them from casting their votes.
Sunday, October 19
The car of an Obama volunteer was trashed (rear windshield smashed, spray painted, stolen Obama signs shoved into the backseat) while he was out to dinner with friends.
Sunday, October 19
In Princeton, West Virginia, a crowd of McCain-Palin supporters gathered to heckle and intimidate mostly black voters as they arrive to vote at an early voting location. When journalist Christina Bellantoni asked the sheriff if the protesters were allowed at the early voting location, the sheriff showed no concern of voter intimidation and merely answered, "They're fine."
October 19, 2008
In Fairfield, Ohio, Mike Lunsford hung an Obama effigy from a noose in a tree in his front yard. He attached a campaign sign to a ghost figure, wrote "Hussain" (yes, it was misspelled), put a noose around its neck, and strung it up in a tree.
I have found no reports of Obama supporters retaliating or otherwise engaging in violence in this campaign.
Tuesday, October 20
A bear carcass was dumped with Obama signs strung around its neck at the base of the statue at the entrance to the Western Carolina University campus in Cullowhee, North Carolina, where tensions have recently been heating up between conservative locals and liberal college students.
October 21, 2008
Someone took an Obama yard sign and replaced it with a large Confederate flag in the yard of an elderly African American minister. That night, after the flag had been replaced with a new Obama sign, a car drove by several times, honking and yelling at the family. The next day, the car returned again, honking and yelling in broad daylight, "No Change!" while a reporter interviewed the family in the yard. The minister told a local reporter that he had a simple message to pass on to the culprit, "I love you, and God does too." The Baptist minister also told the reporter, "I feel like this is somebody with a lot of hatred in their heart. It's our job to help the guy try to do better in life."
What can the Obama campaign and Obama supporters do to stave off the psyops of the McCain-Palin campaign?
Barack Obama and his campaign staff and volunteers are already doing it. Social influence research shows that having shared goals (task interdependence) is the best way to integrate ingroup and outgroup ("us versus them") members. Obama, his staff, and his volunteers should simply continue to emphasize the goals, dreams, and values that Barack Obama shares with ordinary Americans. Barack Obama and his supporters should continue to emphasis his shared "American experience".
Feldman wisely notes, though, that this work will not end after the election even if Barack Obama wins,
Anyone blaming the McCain-Palin campaign for stoking the prejudices of people in small towns should also be talking about how the McCain-Palin campaign is going to leave these same people drowning in a sea of propaganda-inspired fear on Nov. 5 if Barack Obama wins.
Pathetic. I don't deny those things happened and I think they are horrible but there are hundreds of instances of Obama supporters vandalizing homes that have McCain signs in their front lawn.....you are just too blind and naive to see that.
McCain also likes to assert that the same types of hate speech incidents that occur in McCain hate rallies also happen in Obama's. With absolutely no proof of this assertion of course...
Now observe how Obama handles something as innocuous as a crowd booing over McCain's name.
Yep. It's comparable to "kill him" all right.
Why is it that if McCain supporters do vile things the right automatically tries to convince people the left are doing the same shit? it's like, at least i provide proof, usually video of my assertions.
Because no one gives a shit about your psycho babble. You try to lump everyone who isn't you into one group. Just shut the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass. You don't make any sense. Your hatred of white people and women are going to change any of our minds. Just go back to being the scared little shit you are and stop trying to sound intellectual.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
I wouldn't say nobody Rex. He finds articles that I've missed. And his posts rise beyond your simple "I hate you & nobody likes you" posts that comprise the bulk of yours.
I don't deny those things happened and I think they are horrible but there are hundreds of instances of Obama supporters vandalizing homes that have McCain signs in their front lawn.....you are just too blind and naive to see that.
Never said there wasn't. At no time in that post did I claim that the Liberal Extremists weren't doing the same kind of things. "Blind" and "Naive"? Keep your fucking labels to yourself...