Grudge Match
Balls Nasty vs. Jade Dragon
Jade Dragon made his way to the ring without any entrance music, slipped into the ring, and waited...
Monroe: This promises to be a very interesting match. Jade Dragon, a man of few words, looking surprisingly calm in the ring as he awaits Balls Nasty...
Marcum: Maybe he finally realized he’s going to get his ass kicked one way or the other!
‘Bad Company’ played as Balls Nasty stormed down the ramp to the ring...
Monroe: And here comes a very serious-looking Balls Nasty! I’ll say it again – this match is going to be very interesting. Jade Dragon, definitely the underdog in this contest. Balls Nasty possesses a major size and strength advantage...
Marcum: And he’s about to use it! Hold onto your seat, Mike Monroe!
James White rang the bell and the match was under way. Balls Nasty and Jade Dragon circled one another warily, both looking reluctant to charge in...
Monroe: Jade Dragon is obviously respecting that size and strength advantage, but Balls Nasty just looks like he doesn’t know what to expect!
Marcum: I don’t know why! Earlier tonight Balls Nasty mastered karate in just a few minutes!
Finally, Balls Nasty charged in with a hard right-hand! Jade Dragon took the punch and rolled with it, maintaining his balance and countering with several quick jabs of his own. Balls Nasty swung again, but this time Jade Dragon deflected the blow and hit Balls with a muay thai knee strike to the midsection! Balls staggered back, staying on his feet but obviously somewhat winded by the impact. The two went back to circling each other again...
Monroe: A couple big hits, and both men are again sizing each other up...
Marcum: We could be here all night!
Balls Nasty landed a few hard punches, then demonstrated his superior strength by getting a grip on Jade Dragon and tossing him back across the ring! Jade Dragon landed flat on the mat but quickly sprang back up. Balls Nasty grabbed him again and whipped him toward the ropes, then set up for a Tavernsmasher, but Jade Dragon leapt into the middle rope, then backflipped off it, delivering a flying kick to Balls Nasty’s midsection!
Monroe: What a fearless high-flying move! It’s impossible to tell what’s going on behind that dragon mask of his!
Marcum: It’s an unfair advantage!
With Balls Nasty off balance, Jade Dragon hit him with a quick flurry of tae kwon do strikes, then finished off with a muay thai elbow strike! Balls Nasty was dazed, but he managed to get in a kick to Jade Dragon’s midsection, then grabbed him to whip him into the ropes again. Jade Dragon reversed and slung Balls into the ropes instead, then on the rebound, ducked to the side and delivered a leg-sweep, sending Balls Nasty flying into Lothar!
Marcum: Whoa!
Monroe: Lothar could be out cold!
Balls Nasty recovered and blocked another kick from Jade Dragon, then hit him with a low blow and executed a Tavernsmasher! Not yet satisfied, Balls picked Jade Dragon up and went for a Camero Cut, but Jade Dragon reversed in mid-air and broke free! Not taking any chances, Balls Nasty grabbed Jade Dragon again and slammed him back to the mat, then went for the cover, but Lothar was still lying on the mat, either dazed or unconscious.
Marcum: Lothar’s not counting! He’s still on the mat and he’s really slow to get back up!
Balls Nasty shouted at Lothar, but there was no response. Furious, Balls got up, jerked Jade Dragon to his feet, and slung him into the ropes again, but rather than set him up for the Camero Cut again, Balls grabbed him in a chokehold, then with his other hand went for the mask...
Monroe: Balls Nasty is attempting to unmask Jade Dragon!
Marcum: Why bother? He’s obviously nobody good enough to beat him!
But before Jade Dragon could be unmasked, he nailed Balls Nasty in the gut with another knee strike! Balls dropped him and staggered back, and Jade Dragon drilled him with a devastating spinning tae kwon do kick to the jaw!
Monroe: BUHGAWB!
Balls Nasty rolled out of the ring and collapsed to the arena floor...
Monroe: Now Balls Nasty looks to be heavily concussed!
Lothar finally got to his feet and tried to assess the situation. Seeing Balls Nasty lying prone on the arena floor, he began counting to ten...
Marcum: Lothar’s counting Balls Nasty out!
Balls Nasty stirred but couldn’t gather himself to his feet. Lothar reached the ten-count, and James White rang the bell...
Monroe: Unbelievable! Jade Dragon has defeated Balls Nasty!
Marcum: Damn right it’s unbelievable! Balls Nasty had him beaten! This is a travesty!
Jade Dragon made his way up the ramp, but Balls Nasty finally got to his feet and grabbed a microphone from James White...
Balls Nasty: Wait just one motherfuckin’ second!
Jade Dragon stops at the top of the ramp.
Balls Nasty: You’re one lucky little sumbitch, Dragon. You know that? We both know I kicked your ass just now!
Jade Dragon doesn’t respond...
Balls Nasty: This is horseshit! Balls looks at Lothar... And you know it! I want a rematch, dammit! And I don’t care who I have to go through to get it, I’m gonna have your ass on a platter at Halloween Handjobs! You hear me? And your luck’s run out! No count-outs! No disqualifications! You got that? You better say your prayers, Dragon!
‘Bad Company’ plays again as Balls Nasty gets to his feet, glaring at the departing Jade Dragon...
Monroe: What a match! And these two still aren’t finished! Balls Nasty has demanded a rematch at Halloween Handjobs, with no count-outs and no disqualifications! Balls Nasty is hellbent on destroying Jade Dragon! Where will this end?