Sadistikal Tag Match
before a participant can be pinned or submit, they must be bleeding
Joe Mama/Grimm vs. Ghost Hog/Johnny Evil

*Johnny Evil entered the arena first, as The Otaku remained backstage by the referee's order. As Evil entered the ring, a slightly less drunk than last week Ghost Hog made his way down to join his partner in the ring. Ghost Hog sullenly slumped down in a corner of the ring as Evil smirked at the crowd.

"Fistful of Demons" then cued up as Joe Mama and Grimm stormed down to ringside and slid into the ring in tandem and began brawling with their opponents! The match soon turned into a wild affair as all four competitors fought out into the crowd and all through the arena! All four men bled profusely and displayed crimson masks well into the match!

Joe Mama produced Loosy and began to bludgeon Ghost Hog with the barbed wire bat as GH retreated further backstage. Grimm chased Johnny Evil back down to ringside, where El Superbeasto appeared, chair in hand!

Superbeasto swung at Grimm, who ducked out of the way as Evil took the full on chair shot to the head! Grimm hit Superbeasto with a low kick, grabbed the chair from him and blasted the Giant Luchadore with it, knocking him off of the apron and to the ground!

Grimm then turned towards his former tag partner and set up for the Triple 6 Bomb! Grimm made the pin as Lothar counted the fall! "Fistful of Demons" played again as Grimm celebrated in the ring!

Backstage, Ghost Hog and Joe Mama continued battering each other with whatever they could find! At one point, JM nailed Ghost Hog with his own Schwartz real doll! The two fought out into the parking lot before they were finally separated by security!

Back in the arena, Johnny Evil and El Superbeasto were arguing as The Otaku attempted to separate them, but Superbeasto kept shoving them away! The two stood nose to nose screaming at each other.

Grimm made his way back out with a mic.

Grimm: "Hey! Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm not done with you two bastards yet! I got a little piece of revenge tonight. . .just a little piece. . .but I want more. At Halloween Handjobs. . .I want Johnny Evil over there *pointing to one corner* and I want El Superbeasto over there *pointing to another corner* in a three way match. But not just any three way match. I want to take you two bozos down into the depths of Hell with me! I want to take you. . .INTO THE MOUTH OF MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!"

*End Havok*