It was a fun time for all. Seeing the Batman actors and getting the free Batman t-shirts was extremely cool. I heard one girl scream she'd like to go up on stage and do Christian Bale right then and there. I replied that half of the guys in the audience would like to do the same. Seeing JQ and Dan Didio was cool as well. JQ shot me a look when he shook my hand. I still haven't washed it. I'm sure he feels underloved and overstalked. Bwahahahaha!!!!! The sketch was unbelievable! What a cool thing for the DC guys to do! Next year I plan on having sex with half of them while dressed as THE BATMAN. How else could we possibly top this year's extremely cool close encounter with the DC Universe? We got plastered out in front of the hotel w/ a jillion different cool comic geeks and a few good looking females as well. Franta was this close to calling in strippers at about 5:15 a.m. but was talked out of it by...Roy, I think. I know that doesn't sound like Roy but he was being the voice of reason at the time. Hopefully pics will be posted soon. I know how all of you salivate on every new LLance pic you can get your horny paws on!