Well, first you posted this, where you basically insulted the Doctor as "turning into G-man" for simply pointing out your perpetuation of the myth:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

 Originally Posted By: whomod
There's still hope yet that she was attacked by some right wing nut. Yay!


I want someone I admire to be attacked so conservatives can look bad.

Real nice. That's patently disgusting. Especially considering the entire point I posted it was on account of the fact that I like Randi. A lot. It was GOOD to hear that she was OK and that it was just some guy on air overreacting.

Tell me Doctor, when did you turn into G-Man?

And then after some further brow-beating with the facts by G-man, you finally recanted that there was any potential for a conspiracy:

 Originally Posted By: whomod
G-Man. It didn't happen. It was a mistake on the part of the air America DJ. A mistake that was repeated by a few blogs who believe their source, and by myself as well. I was wrong. That Eliott guy was wrong. The blog was wrong.

Is that clear enough for you?

It's actually no problem to admit this because contrary to what some here believe, it's a PLEASURE to hear that this is actually not so bad.

But yeah, you finally did let it go.

Please keep this in mind in the future, though, as you criticize any conservatives here, for their "evil liberals" remarks, and try to remember your many "evil conservatives" remarks, such as this non-starter topic that tried to blanket-smear Republicans as violent attackers and intimidators of any liberal dissent.